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jmkmf(1) [debian man page]

JMKMF(1)						      General Commands Manual							  JMKMF(1)

jmkmf - runs jmake with the correct options SYNOPSIS
jmkmf [ top-level dir [ current dir ] ] DESCRIPTION
Jmkmf is a wrapper which calls jmake with the correct options, defining the symbols TOPDIR (location of the top-level directory) and CURDIR (current directory). The generated Makefile.SH is then ran through /bin/sh to produce a Makefile. Jmkmf is useful when you generate a makefile for the first time. When ran without arguments, jmkmf will scan the directories upwards, looking for a .package file marking the top of your sources. It will then derive the top-level directory and the name of the current directory by itself. Once you have a Makefile.SH generated by jmake, and have run Configure already, you can use make Makefile.SH to build the Makefile.SH again and make Makefile to run the Makefile.SH through /bin/sh. To use the recursive commands, you have to append an 's' at the end of the name as in make Makefiles.SH and make Makefiles. AUTHOR
Raphael Manfredi <> FILES
Jmakefile High level description of makefile The file marking the top of your package tree SEE ALSO
jmake(1), packinit(1). ram JMKMF(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

xmkmf(1X)																 xmkmf(1X)

xmkmf - create a Makefile from an Imakefile SYNOPSIS
xmkmf [-a] [topdir[curdir]] DESCRIPTION
The xmkmf command is the normal way to create a Makefile from an Imakefile shipped with third-party software. When invoked with no arguments in a directory containing an Imakefile, the imake program is run with arguments appropriate for your system (configured into xmkmf when X was built) and generates a Makefile. When invoked with the -a option, xmkmf builds the Makefile in the current directory, and then automatically executes "make Makefiles" (in case there are subdirectories), "make includes", and "make depend" for you. This is the normal way to configure software that is outside the X Consortium build tree. If working inside the X Consortium build tree (unlikely unless you are an X developer, and even then this option is never really used), the topdir argument should be specified as the relative pathname from the current directory to the top of the build tree. Optionally, curdir may be specified as a relative pathname from the top of the build tree to the current directory. It is necessary to supply curdir if the current directory has subdirectories, or the Makefile will not be able to build the subdirectories. If a topdir is given, xmkmf assumes nothing is installed on your system and looks for files in the build tree instead of using the installed versions. SEE ALSO
imake(1X) xmkmf(1X)
Man Page

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