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hpcd(1) [debian man page]

hpcd(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   hpcd(1)

hpcd -- change directory on an HFS+ volume SYNOPSIS
hpcd hfs-path Description hpcd changes the current working directory on the previously mounted HFS+ volume. Subsequent commands will interpret filenames relative to this directory. See also hfsplus(7), hpmount(1), hpls(1), hppwd(1), hprm(1), hpmkdir(1), hpcopy(1), hpumount(1), hpfsck(1). Author This manual page was written by Jens Schmalzing <> for Debian GNU/Linux using the manual page by Klaus Halfmann <half-> that comes with the source code and documentation from the Tech Info Library. hpcd(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

hprm(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   hprm(1)

hprm -- remove a file or directory on an HFS+ volume SYNOPSIS
hprm [-R] [-f] hfs-path Description hprm removes the file or directory specified by hfs-path. Since write access to HFS+ volumes is still experimental, the program prints a warning message and prompts the user before writing anything to the file system. hprm accepts the following options: -R recursively remove the contents of a directory. -f one day, this option will probably disable prompting. For the time being, prompting is always enabled. See also hfsplus(7), hpmount(1), hpls(1), hppwd(1), hpmkdir(1), hpcd(1), hpcopy(1), hpumount(1), hpfsck(1). Author This manual page was written by Jens Schmalzing <> for Debian GNU/Linux using the manual page by Klaus Halfmann <half-> that comes with the source code and documentation from the Tech Info Library. hprm(1)
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