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hotswap(1) [debian man page]

HOTSWAP(1)						      General Commands Manual							HOTSWAP(1)

hotswap - register and unregister hotswappable IDE hardware SYNOPSIS
hotswap [ -c | --ide-controller N] [-h | --help] [-n | --nocheck] [-v | --verbose] [-V | --version] [ACTION] DESCRIPTION
hotswap allows you to register and unregister hotswappable IDE devices, for example notebook computer modules, with the Linux kernel. It has been developed on and for a Dell Latitude C600, but does not rely on any specific properties of that machine. By default, the command line utility guides you through the hotswapping process interactively. It is also possible to specify an ACTION, for example unregistering the current device, rescanning the IDE bus, &c. This feature is primarily intended for use with scripts and GUI frontends such as xhotswap(1). By using an XML configuration file, system administrators can specify arbitrary shell scripts to be run before and after registering and unregistering devices. This is particularly helpful for automatic configuration of CD-RW drives, which require SCSI emulation and bypass normal access via the IDE subsystem. By default, the configuration file is located at /etc/hotswaprc; its syntax is described in hotswaprc(5). OPTIONS
The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). -c, --ide-controller N Use IDE controller N. -h, --help Print a brief help text and exit successfully. -n, --nocheck Do not perform sanity checks before attempting an action. Use with care, as this option may cause some steps to fail silently. -v, --verbose Print more information. -V ,--version Print version information and exit successfully. ACTIONS
Besides the above options, the program allows you to specify one of the following actions on the command line: probe-ide Detect the currently configured IDE device. mounted-ide Detect whether a file system on the currently configured IDE device is mounted. unregister-ide Unregister the currently configured IDE device. rescan-ide Scan the IDE bus for a new device. If a device has been found, register it with the kernel. If no ACTION is specified, interactive mode is entered. In this mode the program guides you through the hotswapping process as appropriate for the current configuration. NOTES
There is generally no need to manage floppy disk devices. The FDC is always present and configured. Floppy disk drives do not connect to the IDE controller, even if they come in the same modules as IDE devices and use the same connector. The Linux kernel requires hotswappable devices to be the only device connected to their IDE controller. The mounted-ide action assumes file systems have been mounted as /dev/hdc. If this is not the case (i.e., you've used a symbolic link such as /dev/cdrom) the command will not work. FILES
/etc/hotswaprc The default location for the XML configuration file. REPORT BUGS
Report bugs to AUTHOR
Written by Tim Stadelmann. This manual page is based on an earlier version kindly contributed by Wouter Verhelst. SEE ALSO
xhotswap(1), hdparm(8), hotswaprc(5). COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Wouter Verhelst, Tim Stadelmann. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. 4th November 2002 HOTSWAP(1)

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f1tattoo(1)							   f1tattoo 0.7 						       f1tattoo(1)

f1tattoo - disc T@2 feature for Yamaha F1 CD-RW devices SYNOPSIS
f1tattoo [-l] [-h] f1tattoo -d DEVICE [-c] [-s] [--tattoo-test] f1tattoo -d DEVICE --tattoo-raw <file.raw> f1tattoo -d DEVICE --tattoo-png <file.png> DESCRIPTION
f1tattoo is the linux console tool to use the Yamaha disc T@2 feature. You won't get satisfying results on Phtalocyanin dye. FEATURES
You can disc T@2 with these drives: Yamaha F1 CD-RW, Yamaha F1DX DEVICE
can be an IDE, SCSI, SATA, USB or FireWire connected optical drive. Not all SATA controller support all Plextor features. Linux: /dev/hdX: IDE device /dev/scdX: Linux 2.4: SATA, SCSI, USB device, or IDE device via ide-scsi emulation /dev/srX: Linux 2.6: IDE device via new ATA layer, SCSI or USB device OpenBSD/NetBSD: /dev/rcdX FreeBSD: /dev/cd: SCSI device /dev/acd: ATA device MacOS X: /dev/disk: win32: C:,D:,E:, ... X:,Y:,Z: OPTIONS
-l, --scanbus scan busses for all available CD and DVD devices. -h, --help help. show available options. -c, --current show current drive settings of selected device -s, --supported show supported features of selected device --tattoo-test write DiscT@2 test image --tattoo-raw tattoo.raw write DiscT@2 using raw data from tattoo.raw file --tattoo-png tattoo.png write DiscT@2 using png image from tattoo.png file check if f1tattoo compiled with png support using --help option -v, --verbose give verbose output EXAMPLES
f1tattoo -l list all available CD- and DVD-devices f1tattoo -d /dev/hdc --tattoo-raw filename.raw writes DiscT@2 using filename.raw file on media in device /dev/hdc please report man page improvements to Gennady ShultZ Kozlov 10. April, 2009 f1tattoo(1)
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