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hiera(1) [debian man page]

HIERA(1)							       Utils								  HIERA(1)

hiera - Lightweight Pluggable Hierarchical Database SYNOPSIS
hiera [options] DESCRIPTION
hiera is a simple pluggable hierarchical database. OPTIONS
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -V, --version Version information -d, --debug Show debugging information -a, --array Array search -h, --hash Hash search -c, --config CONFIG Configuration file -j, --json SCOPE JSON format file to load scope from -y, --yaml SCOPE YAML format file to load scope from -m, --mcollective IDENTITY Retrieve facts from a node via mcollective as scope -i, --inventory_service IDENTITY Retrieve facts for a node via Puppet's inventory service as scope AUTHORS
hiera is a part of Puppet Hiera and developed by Puppet Labs <>, (R.I.Pienaar <> respectively). This man page was written by Patrick Ringl <> for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but it may also be used by others). hiera 2012 HIERA(1)

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PUPPET-NODE(8)							   Puppet manual						    PUPPET-NODE(8)

puppet-node - View and manage node definitions. SYNOPSIS
puppet node action [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] DESCRIPTION
This subcommand interacts with node objects, which are used by Puppet to build a catalog. A node object consists of the node's facts, envi- ronment, node parameters (exposed in the parser as top-scope variables), and classes. OPTIONS
Note that any configuration parameter that's valid in the configuration file is also a valid long argument, although it may or may not be relevant to the present action. For example, server is a valid configuration parameter, so you can specify --server <servername> as an argument. See the configuration file documentation at for the full list of acceptable parameters. A commented list of all configuration options can also be generated by running puppet with --genconfig. --mode MODE The run mode to use for the current action. Valid modes are user, agent, and master. --render-as FORMAT The format in which to render output. The most common formats are json, s (string), yaml, and console, but other options such as dot are sometimes available. --verbose Whether to log verbosely. --debug Whether to log debug information. --extra HASH A terminus can take additional arguments to refine the operation, which are passed as an arbitrary hash to the back-end. Anything passed as the extra value is just send direct to the back-end. --terminus TERMINUS Indirector faces expose indirected subsystems of Puppet. These subsystems are each able to retrieve and alter a specific type of data (with the familiar actions of find, search, save, and destroy) from an arbitrary number of pluggable backends. In Puppet par- lance, these backends are called terminuses. Almost all indirected subsystems have a rest terminus that interacts with the puppet master's data. Most of them have additional terminuses for various local data models, which are in turn used by the indirected subsystem on the puppet master whenever it receives a remote request. The terminus for an action is often determined by context, but occasionally needs to be set explicitly. See the "Notes" section of this face's manpage for more details. ACTIONS
o clean - Clean up everything a puppetmaster knows about a node: SYNOPSIS puppet node clean [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] [--[no-]unexport] host1 [host2 ...] DESCRIPTION This includes o Signed certificates ($vardir/ssl/ca/signed/node.domain.pem) o Cached facts ($vardir/yaml/facts/node.domain.yaml) o Cached node stuff ($vardir/yaml/node/node.domain.yaml) o Reports ($vardir/reports/node.domain) o Stored configs: it can either remove all data from an host in your storedconfig database, or with --unexport turn every exported resource supporting ensure to absent so that any other host checking out their config can remove those exported configurations. This will unexport exported resources of a host, so that consumers of these resources can remove the exported resources and we will safely remove the node from our infrastructure. OPTIONS --[no-]unexport - Unexport exported resources o destroy - Invalid for this subcommand.: SYNOPSIS puppet node destroy [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] key DESCRIPTION Invalid for this subcommand. o find - Retrieve a node object.: SYNOPSIS puppet node find [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] host DESCRIPTION Retrieve a node object. RETURNS A hash containing the node's classes, environment, expiration, name, parameters (its facts, combined with any ENC-set parameters), and time. When used from the Ruby API: a Puppet::Node object. RENDERING ISSUES: Rendering as string and json are currently broken; node objects can only be rendered as yaml. o info - Print the default terminus class for this face.: SYNOPSIS puppet node info [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] DESCRIPTION Prints the default terminus class for this subcommand. Note that different run modes may have different default termini; when in doubt, specify the run mode with the '--mode' option. o save - Invalid for this subcommand.: SYNOPSIS puppet node save [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] key DESCRIPTION Invalid for this subcommand. o search - Invalid for this subcommand.: SYNOPSIS puppet node search [--terminus TERMINUS] [--extra HASH] query DESCRIPTION Invalid for this subcommand. EXAMPLES
find Retrieve an "empty" (no classes, no ENC-imposed parameters, and an environment of "production") node: $ puppet node find somenode.puppetlabs.lan --terminus plain --render-as yaml Retrieve a node using the puppet master's configured ENC: $ puppet node find somenode.puppetlabs.lan --terminus exec --mode master --render-as yaml Retrieve the same node from the puppet master: $ puppet node find somenode.puppetlabs.lan --terminus rest --render-as yaml NOTES
This subcommand is an indirector face, which exposes find, search, save, and destroy actions for an indirected subsystem of Puppet. Valid termini for this face include: o active_record o exec o ldap o memory o plain o rest o store_configs o yaml COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright 2011 by Puppet Labs Apache 2 license; see COPYING Puppet Labs, LLC June 2012 PUPPET-NODE(8)
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