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hdftopal(1) [debian man page]

HDFTOPAL(1)						      General Commands Manual						       HDFTOPAL(1)

hdftopal, paltohdf - convert between a palette in an HDF file and a raw palett e in a non-HDF file SYNOPSIS
hdftopal hdf-pallette-file raw-pallette-file paltohdf raw-pallette-file hdf-pallette-file DESCRIPTION
hdftopal converts a palette in an HDF file to a raw palette in an non-HDF file. The raw palette will have 768 bytes with the first 256 bytes representing red intensity values, the second 256 bytes representing green intensity values, and the third 256 bytes representing blue intensity values. paltohdf performs the converse conversion, from raw palette data to the HDF palette format. The raw palette data must have 768 bytes orga- nized in the following order: first, 256 contiguous red intensity values, then 256 contiguous green intensity values, then 256 contiguous blue intensity values. The palette in the HDF file will have the RGB values pixel-interlaced, as follows: red-value green-value blue-value red-value green-value blue-value... This is the standard HDF format for 8-bit palettes. If an HDF palette format file is specified that doesn't exist, it is created before the converted data is stored. If an HDF palette format file is specified that already exists, the converted data is appended to the file. SEE ALSO
hdf(5) November 6, 1999 HDFTOPAL(1)

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hdf_obj_child(3)						  util/neo_hdf.h						  hdf_obj_child(3)

hdf_obj_child - Return the first child of a dataset node SYNOPSIS
#include <util/neo_hdf.h> HDF* hdf_obj_child (HDF *hdf); ARGUMENTS
hdf -> the hdf dataset node DESCRIPTION
hdf_obj_child and the other hdf_obj_ functions are accessors to the HDF dataset. Although we do not currently "hide" the HDF struct imple- mentation, we recommend you use the accessor functions instead of accessing the values directly. RETURN VALUE
hdf_set_symlink(3), hdf_get_valuef(3), compareFunc)(3), hdf_dump_str(3), hdf_get_int_value(3), hdf_read_string_ignore(3), hdf_copy(3), hdf_get_node(3), hdf_set_value(3), hdf_obj_child(3), hdf_read_string(3), hdf_set_buf(3), hdf_register_fileload(3), hdf_get_obj(3), hdf_get_attr(3), hdf_obj_top(3), hdf_dump_format(3), hdf_destroy(3), hdf_init(3), hdf_obj_value(3), hdf_write_string(3), hdf_set_val- uevf(3), hdf_sort_obj(3), hdf_write_file_atomic(3), hdf_obj_attr(3), hdf_set_valuef(3), hdf_get_copy(3), hdf_write_file(3), hdf_get_val- uevf(3), hdf_set_int_value(3), hdf_dump(3), hdf_get_value(3), hdf_set_copy(3), hdf_obj_next(3), hdf_search_path(3), hdf_obj_name(3), hdf_set_attr(3), hdf_get_child(3), hdf_remove_tree ClearSilver 12 July 2007 hdf_obj_child(3)
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