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gpscat(1) [debian man page]

GPSCAT(1)							GPSD Documentation							 GPSCAT(1)

gpscat - dump the output from a GPS SYNOPSIS
gpscat [-s speed] [-p] [-t] [-D debuglevel] serial-port DESCRIPTION
gpscat is a simple program for logging and packetizing GPS data streams. It takes input from a specified file or serial device (presumed to have a GPS attached) and reports to standard output. The program runs until end of input or it is interrupted by ^C or other means. It does not terminate on a bad backet; this is intentional. In raw mode (the default) gpscat simply dumps its input to standard output. Nonprintable characters other than ASCII whitespace are rendered as hexadecimal string escapes. In packetizing mode, gpscat uses the same code as gpsd(8)'s packet sniffer to break the input into packets. Packets are reported one per line; line breaks in the packets themselves are escaped. This program is useful as a sanity checker when examining a new device. It can be used as a primitive NMEA logger, but beware that (a) interrupting it likely to cut off output in mid-sentence, and (b) to avoid displaying incomplete NMEA sentences right up next to shell prompts that often contain a $, raw mode always emits an extra final linefeed. Also, be aware that packetizing mode will produce useless results -- probably consuming the entirety of input and appearing to hang -- if it is fed data that is not a sequence of packets of one of the known types. The program accepts the following options: -p Invoke packetizer mode. -s Set the port's baud rate (and optionally its parity and stop bits) before reading. Argument should begin with one of the normal integer baud rates (300, 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, etc.). It may be followed by an optional suffix [NOE][12] to set parity (None, Even, Odd) and stop bits (1 or 2). -t Invoke packetizer mode, with the packet type and length (in parentheses) reported before a colon and space on each line. -D In packetizer mode, enable progress messages from the packet getter. Probably only of interest to developers testing packet getter changes. -h Display program usage and exit. Specifying -s 4800N1 is frequently helpful with unknown devices. SEE ALSO
gpsd(8), gps(1), libgps(3), libgpsd(3), gpsfake(1). gpsprof(1), gpsctl(1), gpsdctl(8), gpsmon(1). AUTHOR
Eric S. Raymond The GPSD Project 16 Nov 2006 GPSCAT(1)

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GPSPIPE(1)							GPSD Documentation							GPSPIPE(1)

gpspipe - tool to connect to gpsd and retrieve sentences SYNOPSIS
gpspipe [-h] [-d] [-l] [-o filename] [-n count] [-r] [-R] [-s serial-device] [-t] [-T timestamp-format] [-p] [-w] [-v] [-D debug-level] [server [:port [:device]]] DESCRIPTION
gpspipe is a tool to connect to gpsd and output the received sentences to stdout. This makes the program useful as a pipe from gpsd to another program or file. gpspipe does not require root privileges, and can be run concurrently with other tools connecting to the local gpsd without causing problems. The output will consist of one or both of the raw NMEA or native gpsd sentences. Each line can be optionally time stamped. There is also an option to exit gracefully after a given count of packets. Optionally a server, TCP/IP port number and remote device can be given. If omitted, gpspipe connects to localhost on the default port (2947) and watches all devices opened by gpsd. gpspipe may be run as a daemon, but requires the -o flag for writing the output to a file. OPTIONS
-h makes gpspipe print a usage message and exit. -d causes gpspipe to run as a daemon. -l causes gpspipe to sleep for ten seconds before attempting to connect to gpsd. This is very useful when running as a daemon, giving gpsd time to start before attempting a connection. -r causes raw NMEA sentences to be output. -R causes super-raw (gps binary) data to be output. This overrides NMEA and gpsd output modes. -s option causes the collected data to be written to the specified serial device with settings 4800 8N1. Thus gpspipe can be used with -s and -r options to emulate a serial port hardwired to a GPS that gpsd is managing. -o option causes the collected data to be written to the specified file. Use of this option is mandatory if gpspipe is run as a daemon. -w causes native gpsdsentences to be output. -t adds a timestamp to each sentence output. -T sets the format of the timestamp. See strftime(3) for the available placeholders. Setting this option implies -t. -p enables dumping of profiling information in JSON. -n [count] causes [count] sentences to be output. gpspipe will then exit gracefully. -v causes gpspipe to show a spinning activity indicator on stderr. This is useful if stdout is redirected into a file or a pipe. By default the spinner is advanced with every messages written; specifying -v more than once will double the number of messages required to rotate the spinner. -V prints the version, then exits. At least one of -R, -r or -w must be specified. EXAMPLE
When gpsd is running gpspipe -r -n 100 will send one hundred raw NMEA sentences to standard output, then exit. SEE ALSO
gpsd(8), gps(1), libgps(3), libgpsd(3), gpsprof(1), gpsfake(1), gpsctl(1), gpscat(1). gpsmon(1). AUTHOR
Gary E. Miller The GPSD Project 03 Aug 2005 GPSPIPE(1)
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