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gnunet-transport(1) [debian man page]

gnunet-transport(1)					      General Commands Manual					       gnunet-transport(1)

gnunet-transport - measure and control the transport subsystem SYNOPSIS
gnunet-transport [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION
gnunet-transport is a tool to access various functions of GNUnet's transport subsystem from the command-line. Most of these are not expected to be useful for end-users. gnunet-transport can be used to evaluate the performance of the transports, force a peer to connect to another peer (if possible). Other functions should be added in the near future. -b, --benchmark measure how fast we are receiving data (from all connections). On exit, the data rate will be reported. Runs until aborted with CTRL-C. -c FILENAME, --config=FILENAME configuration file to use -C PEER, --connect=PEER peer to connect to (and to use for sending if used in conjunction with -s) -h, --help print help page -i, --information print information about our current connections (once) -m, --monitor print information about our current connections (continuously) -L LOGLEVEL, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL Change the loglevel. Possible values for LOGLEVEL are ERROR, WARNING, INFO and DEBUG. -s, --send transmit (dummy) traffic as quickly as possible to the peer specified with the -C option. The rate will still be limited by the quota(s) determined by the peers (ATS subsystem). Will run until CTRL-C is pressed or until the connection to the other peer is disrupted. -t, --test test transport configuration. With this flag, the tool will check if each of the configured transport plugins has a working address. Plugins that do not have a listen port configured will be ignored. The test is performed with the help of an external server (by default running on which tries to contact the local machine. The test can only work if the local GNUnet peer is not yet running. -v, --version print the version number -V, --verbose be verbose NOTES
Report bugs by using mantis <> or by sending electronic mail to <> SEE ALSO
gnunet-arm(1) GNUnet 26 Oct 2011 gnunet-transport(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

GNUNET-ARM(1)						      General Commands Manual						     GNUNET-ARM(1)

gnunet-arm - control GNUnet services SYNOPSIS
gnunet-arm [options] DESCRIPTION
gnunet-arm can be used to start or stop GNUnet services, including the ARM service itself. The ARM service is a supervisor for GNUnet's service processes. ARM starts services on-demand or as configured and re-starts them if they crash. OPTIONS
-c FILENAME, --config=FILENAME Use the configuration file FILENAME. -e, --end Shutdown all GNUnet services (including ARM itself). Running "gnunet-arm -e" is the usual way to shutdown a GNUnet peer. -h, --help Print short help on options. -L LOGLEVEL, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL Use LOGLEVEL for logging. Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR. -i SERVICE, --init=SERVICE Starts the specified SERVICE if it is not already running. More specifically, this makes the service behave as if it were in the default services list. -k SERVICE, --kill=SERVICE Stop the specified SERVICE if it is running. While this will kill the service right now, the service may be restarted immediately if other services depend on it (service is then started 'on-demand'). If the service used to be a 'default' service, its default- service status will be revoked. If the service was not a default service, it will just be (temporarily) stopped, but could be re- started on-demand at any time. -s, --start Start all GNUnet default services on this system (and also ARM). Naturally, if a service is demanded by a default service, it will then also be started. Running "gnunet-arm -s" is the usual way to start a GNUnet peer. -I, --info List all running services. -v, --version Print GNUnet version number. BUGS
Report bugs by using Mantis <> or by sending electronic mail to <> SEE ALSO
gnunet-service-arm(1) GNUnet Jan 4, 2012 GNUNET-ARM(1)
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