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glance-scrubber(1) [debian man page]

GLANCE-SCRUBBER(1)						      Glance							GLANCE-SCRUBBER(1)

glance-scrubber - Glance Scrubber Service GLANCE SCRUB SERVICE
Author Date 2012-01-03 Copyright OpenStack LLC Version 2012.1-dev Manual section 1 Manual group cloud computing SYNOPSIS glance-scrubber [options] DESCRIPTION glance-scrubber is an utility that cleans up images that have been deleted. The mechanics of this differ depending on the backend store and pending_deletion options chosen. Multiple glance-scrubbers can be run in a single deployment, but only one of them may be designated as the 'cleanup_scrubber' in the glance-scrubber.conf file. The 'cleanup_scrubber' coordinates other glance-scrubbers by maintaining the master queue of images that need to be removed. The glance-scubber.conf file also specifies important configuration items such as the time between runs ('wakeup_time' in seconds), length of time images can be pending before their deletion ('cleanup_scrubber_time' in seconds) as well as registry connectivity options. glance-scrubber can run as a periodic job or long-running daemon. OPTIONS --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --config-file=PATH Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files can be specified, with values in later files taking precedence. The default files used are: [] -d, --debug Print debugging output --nodebug Do not print debugging output -v, --verbose Print more verbose output --noverbose Do not print verbose output --log-config=PATH If this option is specified, the logging configuration file specified is used and overrides any other logging options specified. Please see the Python logging module documentation for details on logging configuration files. --log-format=FORMAT A logging.Formatter log message format string which may use any of the available logging.LogRecord attributes. Default: none --log-date-format=DATE_FORMAT Format string for %(asctime)s in log records. Default: none --log-file=PATH (Optional) Name of log file to output to. If not set, logging will go to stdout. --log-dir=LOG_DIR (Optional) The directory to keep log files in (will be prepended to --logfile) --use-syslog Use syslog for logging. --nouse-syslog Do not use syslog for logging. --syslog-log-facility=SYSLOG_LOG_FACILITY syslog facility to receive log lines -D, --daemon Run as a long-running process. When not specified (the default) run the scrub operation once and then exits. When specified do not exit and run scrub on wakeup_time interval as specified in the config. --nodaemon The inverse of --daemon. Runs the scrub operation once and then exits. SEE ALSO o OpenStack Glance BUGS o Glance is sourced in Launchpad so you can view current bugs at OpenStack Glance AUTHOR
2010-present, OpenStack, LLC. 2012.1.1 March 14, 2013 GLANCE-SCRUBBER(1)

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GLANCE(1)							      Glance								 GLANCE(1)

Author Date 2012-01-03 Copyright OpenStack LLC Version 2012.1-dev Manual section 1 Manual group cloud computing SYNOPSIS glance <command> [options] [args] COMMANDS help <command> Output help for one of the commands below add Adds a new image to Glance update Updates an image's metadata in Glance delete Deletes an image from Glance index Return brief information about images in Glance details Return detailed information about images in Glance show Show detailed information about an image in Glance clear Removes all images and metadata from Glance MEMBER COMMANDS image-members List members an image is shared with member-images List images shared with a member member-add Grants a member access to an image member-delete Revokes a member's access to an image members-replace Replaces all membership for an image OPTIONS --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Print more verbose output -d, --debug Print more verbose output -H ADDRESS, --host=ADDRESS Address of Glance API host. Default: -p PORT, --port=PORT Port the Glance API host listens on. Default: 9292 -U URL, --url=URL URL of Glance service. This option can be used to specify the hostname, port and protocol (http/https) of the glance server, for example -U https://localhost:9292/v1 Default: None -k, --insecure Explicitly allow glance to perform insecure SSL (https) requests. The server certificate will not be verified against any cer- tificate authorities. This option should be used with caution. -R REGION, --region=REGION When using keystone authentication version 2.0 or later this identifies the region name to use when selecting the service end- point. If no region is specified and only one region is available that region will be used by default. Where more than one region endpoint is available a region must be provided. -A TOKEN, --auth_token=TOKEN Authentication token to use to identify the client to the glance server --limit=LIMIT Page size to use while requesting image metadata --marker=MARKER Image index after which to begin pagination --sort_key=KEY Sort results by this image attribute. --sort_dir=[desc|asc] Sort results in this direction. -f, --force Prevent select actions from requesting user confirmation --dry-run Don't actually execute the command, just print output showing what WOULD happen. --can-share Allow member to further share image. SEE ALSO o OpenStack Glance BUGS o Glance is sourced in Launchpad so you can view current bugs at OpenStack Glance AUTHOR
2010-present, OpenStack, LLC. 2012.1.1 March 14, 2013 GLANCE(1)
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