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gene2xml(1) [debian man page]

GENE2XML(1)						     NCBI Tools User's Manual						       GENE2XML(1)

gene2xml - convert NCBI Entrez Gene ASN.1 into XML SYNOPSIS
gene2xml [-] [-b] [-c] [-i filename] [-l] [-o filename] [-p path] [-r path] [-t N] [-x] [-y] [-z] DESCRIPTION
gene2xml is a stand-alone program that converts Entrez Gene ASN.1 into XML. Entrez Gene data are stored as compressed binary Entrezgene- Set ASN.1 files on the NCBI ftp site, and have the suffix .ags.gz. These are several-fold smaller than compressed XML files, resulting in a significant savings of disk storage and network bandwidth. Normal processing by gene2xml produces text XML files with the same name but with .xgs as the suffix. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. - Print usage message -b File is Binary -c File is Compressed -i filename Single Input file (standard input by default) when not using -p -l Log processing (list files processed when using -p) -o filename Single Output file (standard output by default) when not using -p -p path Path to Files (if processing an entire directory) -r path Path for Results when using -p; defaults to the input directory -t N Limit to the given Taxon ID (per -x Extract .ags to text .agc (format previously distributed) -y Combine .agc to text .ags (for testing) -z Combine .agc to binary .ags, then gzip AUTHOR
The National Center for Biotechnology Information. SEE ALSO
asn2all(1), asn2asn(1), asn2xml(1), asndhuff(1), /usr/share/doc/ncbi-tools-bin/gene2xml.txt.gz, /usr/share/doc/libncbi6/ncbixml.txt.gz NCBI
2005-05-16 GENE2XML(1)

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ASNVAL(1)						     NCBI Tools User's Manual							 ASNVAL(1)

asnval - validate ASN.1 biological sequence records SYNOPSIS
asnval [-] [-A] [-B] [-C N] [-D] [-E str] [-F] [-G] [-J] [-K] [-L filename] [-M] [-N flags] [-P N] [-Q N] [-R N] [-S N] [-T] [-U] [-X] [-Y] [-Z] [-a type] [-b] [-c] [-d path] [-e] [-f str] [-i filename] [-k] [-l] [-o filename] [-p path] [-q] [-r] [-u] [-v N] [-x str] DESCRIPTION
asnval is a command-line tool to validate ASN.1-format biological sequence records. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. - Print usage message -A Validate Alignments -B Validate Barcodes -C N Max count -D Disable message suppression -E str Only Error Code to Show -F Test network access -G GI lookup from accession -J Require ISO-JTA? -K Summary to error file -L filename Log File -M Match locus_tag against General ID -N flags Latitude-longitude / country flags 0 none 1 test state/province 2 ignore water exception 3 both of the above -P N Highest severity for error to show: 0 none 1 informational 2 warning 3 error (default for -Q) 4 grounds for rejection (default for -P, -R) -Q N Lowest severity for error to show, per P -R N Severity for error in return code, per P -S N Skip count -T Use Threads -U Genome center submission -X Exon splice check -Y Check against old IDs -Z Remote CDS product fetch -a type Input ASN.1 type: a Automatic (default) c Catenated z Any e seq-Entry b Bioseq s bioseq-Set m seq-subMit t baTch bioseq-set u batch seq-sUbmit -b Batch file is Binary -c Batch file is Compressed -d path Path to Indexed Binary ASN.1 Data -e Ignore transcription/translation Exceptions -x str Substring filter -i filename Single input file (standard input by default) -k Local fetching -l Lock components in advance -o filename Single output file -p path Path to ASN.1 Files -q Taxonomy lookup -r Remote Fetching from ID -u Recurse -v N Verbosity: 1 Standard report (default) 2 Accession / severity / code (space delimited) 3 Accession / severity / code (tab delimited) 4 XML report 5 Accession / GI / severity / code (tab delimited) -x str File selection substring (.ent by default) AUTHOR
The National Center for Biotechnology Information. SEE ALSO
asndisc(1), cleanasn(1), sequin(1). NCBI
2012-06-24 ASNVAL(1)
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