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gcipher(1) [debian man page]

GCIPHER(1)							       GNOME								GCIPHER(1)

gcipher - a simple encryption tool SYNOPSIS
gcipher gcipher [CIPHEROPTIONS]... [INPUT] [OUTPUT] gcipher [CIPHEROPTIONS]... -p PROXIEDHOST PROXIEDPORT LISTENINGPORT CIPHEROPTIONS: (-c | -C) CIPHER [-k KEY] "-" may be used for either INPUT or OUTPUT to represent STDIN or STDOUT respectively. EXAMPLES
Show the GUI: gcipher Encrypt a file using the Gie cipher: gcipher -c Gie inputfile outputfile Decrypt STDIN and output to STDOUT using Rot13: gcipher -C Rot -k 13 Listen on port 1027 and act as a proxy for port 1028 on Decrypt the data coming from and encrypt data going to using Vigenere with key linux: gcipher -c Vigenere -k linux -p 1028 1027 DESCRIPTION
This is a simple encryption tool to work with home-grown encryption algorithms. It can run as either a GUI, a command-line application, or a network proxy. -c CIPHER encrypt using the given cipher -C CIPHER decrypt using the given cipher -k KEY set the key for the previous cipher -p PROXIEDHOST PROXIEDPORT LISTENINGPORT act as a network proxy CIPHERS
Gie a simple cipher doable by hand; no key is required Caesar Julius Caesar's code; no key is required Rot linear rotation; the amount of the rotation is given by the key which must be a number in the range [0, 25] Vigenere a version of ROT that uses a private key; the key must be made of lower-case letters FILES
.gcipher/plugins See plugins/README in a source distribution for more instructions on creating new plugins. AUTHOR
Written by Shannon -jj Behrens. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003 Shannon -jj Behrens. This is open source software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. gcipher 1.0 June 2003 GCIPHER(1)

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DES(3)							User Contributed Perl Documentation						    DES(3)

Crypt::DES - Perl DES encryption module SYNOPSIS
The module implements the Crypt::CBC interface, which has the following methods blocksize =item keysize =item encrypt =item decrypt FUNCTIONS
blocksize Returns the size (in bytes) of the block cipher. keysize Returns the size (in bytes) of the key. Optimal size is 8 bytes. new my $cipher = new Crypt::DES $key; This creates a new Crypt::DES BlockCipher object, using $key, where $key is a key of "keysize()" bytes. encrypt my $cipher = new Crypt::DES $key; my $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext); This function encrypts $plaintext and returns the $ciphertext where $plaintext and $ciphertext should be of "blocksize()" bytes. decrypt my $cipher = new Crypt::DES $key; my $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext); This function decrypts $ciphertext and returns the $plaintext where $plaintext and $ciphertext should be of "blocksize()" bytes. EXAMPLE
my $key = pack("H16", "0123456789ABCDEF"); my $cipher = new Crypt::DES $key; my $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt("plaintex"); # NB - 8 bytes print unpack("H16", $ciphertext), " "; NOTES
Do note that DES only uses 8 byte keys and only works on 8 byte data blocks. If you're intending to encrypt larger blocks or entire files, please use Crypt::CBC in conjunction with this module. See the Crypt::CBC documentation for proper syntax and use. Also note that the DES algorithm is, by today's standard, weak encryption. Crypt::Blowfish is highly recommended if you're interested in using strong encryption and a faster algorithm. SEE ALSO
Crypt::Blowfish Crypt::IDEA Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 1995, Second Edition, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. COPYRIGHT
The implementation of the DES algorithm was developed by, and is copyright of, Eric Young ( Other parts of the perl extension and module are copyright of Systemics Ltd ( ). Cross-platform work and packaging for single algorithm distribution is copyright of W3Works, LLC. MAINTAINER
This single-algorithm package and cross-platform code is maintained by Dave Paris <>. perl v5.16.3 2005-12-08 DES(3)
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