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empy(1) [debian man page]

EMPY(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   EMPY(1)

empy - A powerful and robust templating system for Python SYNOPSIS
empy [options] [<filename, or '-' for stdin> [<argument>]] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the empy command. EmPy is a system for embedding Python expressions and statements in template text; it takes an EmPy source file, processes it, and produces output. This is accomplished via expansions, which are special signals to the EmPy system and are set off by a special prefix (by default the at sign, @). EmPy can expand arbitrary Python expressions and statements in this way, as well as a variety of special forms. Textual data not explicitly delimited in this way is sent unaffected to the output, allowing Python to be used in effect as a markup language. Also supported are call- backs via hooks, recording and playback via diversions, and dynamic, chainable filters. The system is highly configurable via command line options and embedded commands. OPTIONS
These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files. -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. SEE ALSO
python(1). AUTHOR
EmPy was written by Erik Max Francis <>. This manual page was written by Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). EMPY(1)

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ERIC4_API(1)						      General Commands Manual						      ERIC4_API(1)

eric4_api - eric4 API generator SYNOPSIS
eric4_api [options] files... where files can be be either Python modules, package directories or ordinary directories. DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the eric4_api command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. eric4_api scans Python source code to generate API descriptions files which are used to as tooltips and autocompletion suggestions by the QScintilla editor widget in eric4. OPTIONS
These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files. -b name or --base name Use the given name as the name of the base package. -h or --help Show this help and exit. -o filename or --output=filename Write the API information to the named file. A '%L' placeholder is replaced by the language of the API file (see --language). --oldstyle Generate API files for QScintilla prior to 1.7. -p or --private Include private methods and functions. -R, -r or --recursive Perform a recursive search for Python files. -t ext or --extension = ext Add the given extension to the list of file extensions. This option may be given multiple times. -V or --version Show version information and exit. -x directory or --exclude=directory Specify a directory basename to be excluded. This option may be repeated multiple times. --exclude-file=pattern Specify a filename pattern of files to be excluded. This option may be repeated multiple times. -l language or --language=language Generate an API file for the given programming language. Supported programming languages are: * Python * Python3 * Ruby The default is 'Python'. This option may be repeated multiple times. SEE ALSO
eric4(1), eric4_compare(1), eric4_configure(1), eric4_diff(1), eric4_doc(1), eric4_editor(1), eric4_helpviewer(1), eric4_iconeditor(1), eric4_plugininstall(1), eric4_pluginrepository(1), eric4_pluginuninstall(1), eric4_qregexp(1), eric4_re(1), eric4_sqlbrowser(1), eric4_tray(1), eric4_trpreviewer(1), eric4_uipreviewer(1), eric4_unittest(1), eric4_webbrowser(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Torsten Marek <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). January 31, 2010 ERIC4_API(1)
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