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eg(1) [debian man page]

EG(1)								   User Commands							     EG(1)

eg - git for mere mortals DESCRIPTION
(Run 'eg help --all' for a more detailed list.) Creating repositories eg clone Clone a repository into a new directory eg init Create a new repository Obtaining information about changes, history, & state eg diff Show changes to file contents eg log Show history of recorded changes eg status Summarize current changes Making, undoing, or recording changes eg commit Record changes locally eg mv Move or rename files (or directories or symlinks) eg stage Mark content in files as being ready for commit Managing branches eg branch List, create, or delete branches eg merge Join two or more development histories (branches) together eg switch Switch the working copy to another branch Collaboration eg pull Get updates from another repository and merge them eg push Push local commits to a published repository Time saving commands eg bisect Find the change that introduced a bug by binary search eg stash Save and revert local changes, or apply stashed changes Additional help: eg help COMMAND Get more help on COMMAND. eg help --all List more commands (not really all) eg help topic List specialized help topics. git version eg version .99 July 2009 EG(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

GBP-CLONE(1)						      git-buildpackage Manual						      GBP-CLONE(1)

gbp-clone - Clone a repository from remote SYNOPSIS
gbp-clone [ --verbose ] [ --all ] [ --[no-]pristine-tar ] [ --debian-branch=branch_name ] [ --upstream-branch=branch_name ] [ --depth=depth ] remote_uri DESCRIPTION
gbp-clone clones a remote repository and sets up tracking branches for the debian, upstream and pristine-tar branches. This way you can easily update later using gbp-pull. OPTIONS
--all Track all branches, not only debian and upstream. --debian-branch=branch_name The branch in the Git repository the Debian package is being developed on, default is master. --upstream-branch=branch_name The branch in the Git repository the upstream sources are put onto. Default is upstream. --depth=depth Git history depth, for creating shallow git clones. --verbose -v verbose execution --pristine-tar Track pristine tar branch. CONFIGURATION FILES
Several gbp.conf files are parsed to set defaults for the above commandline arguments. See the [XRef to GBP.MAN.GBP.CONF] manpage for details. SEE ALSO
git-buildpackage(1), gbp-pull(1), gbp.conf(5) AUTHOR
Guido Guenther <> 01 June 2012 GBP-CLONE(1)
Man Page

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