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donkey(1) [debian man page]

DONKEY(1)																 DONKEY(1)

donkey - alternative for S/KEY's "key" command. SYNOPSIS
donkey [options] sequence seed donkey -i key [option] sequence seed key -i DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the donkey, and key commands. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in /usr/share/doc/donkey donkey is an alternative for S/KEY's "key" command. The new feature that the original key doesn't have is print an entry for skeykeys as follows; kazu 0099 al02004 115d83956f1089b6 Apr 26,1995 22:13:27 This means that donkey is also an alternative for "keyinit". Since the entry is printed to stdout (not to /etc/skeykeys), you can easily sent it to remote operator by e-mail (with PGP signature or something). So, it possible to initiate S/KEY without login from the console of the host. OPTIONS
A summary of options are included below. -n num specify number of keys to be calculated. -f func choose hash function from MD2 , MD4 , and MD5 EXAMPLES
(1) Calculate an One-Time-Password. Execute Donkey with sequence and seed, then input your passphrase. % donkey 80 is12345 Enter passphrase : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOFT O SAW SWAB CON RODE You can choose hash function from MD2, MD4, and MD5. % donkey 80 is12345 Enter passphrase : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOFT O SAW SWAB CON RODE %donkey -f md5 80 is12345 Enter passphrase : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LACK WIN ROSE ANNA STUN REEK The default hash function is MD4 due to the historical reason. (2) Calculate some One-Time-Passwords at once. Use -n option. % donkey -n 10 80 is12345 Enter passphrase : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 71: WORE HELL CUB FAR DORA MALE 72: SAIL DAN DONE BEER DAYS MOS 73: PAN TONE THAT TOUT BURY EST 74: KEN ROAM HEAT NAN MEAN HEN 75: MINI MARS HASH BOTH SITU SING 76: TOW SHIN FLUE ARID AHOY NE 77: SLID LEEK NO TREE STOW BEY 78: RUDY WINE GIFT FUSS AGEE SUE 79: GELD THIN MAID THIN BUD TURF 80: SOFT O SAW SWAB CON RODE Note that though "Enter passphrase" is printed out to stderr, One-Time-Passwords is to stdout. So, you can redirect the output safely. (3) Print skeykeys entry. Use -i option without argments. Then, enter login name, sequence and seed. If you like default value, just type RET. Input your passphrase twice to get the entry. % donkey -i Enter login name [default kazu]: Enter sequence 1 to 999 [default 99]: Enter new seed [default ur18122]: Please choose passphrase between 8 and 256 characters. Enter passphrase : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Re-enter passphrase : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kazu 0099 ur18122 fc5b023e684968ff Oct 02,1995 16:15:30 WINK SEAM GRAB ROAD HELL FEST BUGS
Things to do: Support other one time passwords such as OTP. Support other secure hash functions. AUTHOR
This program is developed by Kazuhiko Yamamoto <>. This manual page was written by Fumitoshi UKAI <>, based on documents of this program, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). October 4, 1995 DONKEY(1)

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gpg-preset-passphrase - Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's cache SYNOPSIS
gpg-preset-passphrase [options] [command] cache-id DESCRIPTION
The gpg-preset-passphrase is a utility to seed the internal cache of a running gpg-agent with passphrases. It is mainly useful for unat- tended machines, where the usual pinentry tool may not be used and the passphrases for the to be used keys are given at machine startup. Passphrases set with this utility don't expire unless the --forget option is used to explicitly clear them from the cache --- or gpg-agent is either restarted or reloaded (by sending a SIGHUP to it). It is necessary to allow this passphrase presetting by starting gpg-agent with the --allow-preset-passphrase. gpg-preset-passphrase is invoked this way: gpg-preset-passphrase [options] [command] cacheid cacheid is either a 40 character keygrip of hexadecimal characters identifying the key for which the passphrase should be set or cleared. The keygrip is listed along with the key when running the command: gpgsm --dump-secret-keys. Alternatively an arbitrary string may be used to identify a passphrase; it is suggested that such a string is prefixed with the name of the application (e.g foo:12346). One of the following command options must be given: --preset Preset a passphrase. This is what you usually will use. gpg-preset-passphrase will then read the passphrase from stdin. --forget Flush the passphrase for the given cache ID from the cache. The following additional options may be used: -v --verbose Output additional information while running. -P string --passphrase string Instead of reading the passphrase from stdin, use the supplied string as passphrase. Note that this makes the passphrase visible for other users. SEE ALSO
gpg(1), gpgsm(1), gpg-agent(1), scdaemon(1) The full documentation for this tool is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If GnuPG and the info program are properly installed at your site, the command info gnupg should give you access to the complete manual including a menu structure and an index. GnuPG 2.0.22 2014-06-10 GPG-PRESET-PASSPHRASE(1)
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