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dnssec-tools(1) [debian man page]

DNSSEC_TOOLS(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   DNSSEC_TOOLS(1)

DNSSEC-Tools - A suite of tools and libraries for using DNSSEC DESCRIPTION
The DNSSEC-Tools package contains a wide variety of tools that are helpful to zone operators, resolver operators, network operators, appli- cation developers and end-users of DNSSEC. The best place to learn about the tools that are part of the package is at the following website, which categorizes the tools according to the intended audience: Additionally, make sure to check out the tutorials available at: LICENSE
The DNSSEC-Tools are licensed under a BSD license, the details of which can be found in the COPYING file found within the distribution. 4.2 Berkeley Distribution 5 Dec 2007 DNSSEC_TOOLS(1)

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ROLLLOG(1p)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					       ROLLLOG(1p)

rolllog - DNSSEC-Tools utility to write messages to the DNSSEC rollover log file SYNOPSIS
rolllog -loglevel <level> <log_message> DESCRIPTION
The rolllog program writes log messages to the DNSSEC rollover log file. rolllog does not actually write the messages itself; rather, it sends them to the rollerd rollover daemon to write the messages. rollerd keeps track of a logging level, and only messages of that level or higher are written to the log file. OPTIONS
The following options are recognized: -loglevel level Logging level of this message. The valid levels are defined in This option is required. -help Display a usage message. -Version Displays the version information for rolllog and the DNSSEC-Tools package. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2006-2012 SPARTA, Inc. All rights reserved. See the COPYING file included with the DNSSEC-Tools package for details. AUTHOR
Wayne Morrison, SEE ALSO
rollctl(8), rollerd(8) perl v5.14.2 2012-06-21 ROLLLOG(1p)
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