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dia2code(1) [debian man page]

dia2code(1)															       dia2code(1)

dia2code - Generate code from Dia files SYNOPSIS
dia2code [-t ada|c|cpp|cs|java|php|php5|python|ruby|shp|sql] [-d dir] [-nc] [-c] [-cl classlist] [-v] diagramfile [-h] [--help] DESCRIPTION
dia2code generates code from a Dia file containing a UML diagram. Output code can be: Ada, C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, PHP5, Python, Ruby, shapefiles and SQL. OPTIONS
-h --help Print help text and exit. -t ada|c|cpp|cs|java|php|php5|python|ruby|shp|sql Selects the output language, default is C++. -d dir Output generated files to <dir>, default is "." -nc Do not overwrite files that already exist. -cl classlist Generate code only for the classes specified in the comma-separated <classlist>. E.g: Base,Derived. -v Invert the class list selection. When used without -cl prevents any file from being created. -l licensefile Prepend the specified license to every source file generated. diagramfile The Dia file that holds the diagram to be read. AUTHOR
Written by Javier O'Hara <> with contributions from Ruben Lopez <> (C code generation), Chris McGee <> (Dependencies, Associations, C++ Templates, SQL), Takashi Okamoto <> (License inclusion mechanism), Thomas Preymesser <> (Ada code generation), Jerome Slangen <> (Wildcard class list mechanism), Takaaki Tateishi <> (Dynamic Shared Objects for dynamic code generator modules), Martin Vidner <> (Porting to libxml2). THANKS
Thanks to Collin Starkweather, Richard Torkar and Slush Gore for the extra help. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Javier O'Hara This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; read the COPYING file for details. SEE ALSO
The Dia homepage: <> The dia2code homepage: <> September 2, 2001 dia2code(1)

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Parse::Dia::SQL(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      Parse::Dia::SQL(3pm)

Parse::Dia::SQL - Convert Dia class diagrams into SQL. SYNOPSIS
use Parse::Dia::SQL; my $dia = Parse::Dia::SQL->new( file => 't/data/TestERD.dia', db => 'db2' ); print $dia->get_sql(); # or command-line version perl parsediasql --file t/data/TestERD.dia --db db2 DESCRIPTION
Dia is a diagram creation program for Linux, Unix and Windows released under the GNU General Public License. Parse::Dia::SQL converts Dia class diagrams into SQL. Parse::Dia::SQL is the parser that interprets the .dia file(s) into an internal datastructure. Parse::Dia::SQL::Output (or one of its sub classes) can take the datastructure and generate the SQL statements it represents. MODELLING HOWTO
See <> Modelling differences from tedia2sql o Index options are supported. Text is taken from the comments field of the operation, i.e. the index. A database specific default value is used if the comments field is left blank. Consult the Output sub class' constructor. o Type mapping is supported. A type mapping is a user-defined column name replacement. Unlike tedia2sql the type mapping is non- recursive. Consult "t/data/typemap.dia" for an example. o Preliminary support for Dia's database shapes is added. o Table comments are used as table postfix options. This means per-table options (e.g. partitioning options) are supported on a per- database level. o backticks notation is supported for MySQL-InnoDB. DIA VERSIONS
Parse::Dia::SQL has been tested with Dia versions 0.93 - 0.97. Parse::Dia::SQL uses the XML "version" tag information in the .dia input file to determine how each XML construct is formatted. Future versions of Dia may change the internal format, and XML "version" tag is used to detect such changes. DATABASE SUPPORT
The following databases are supported: DB2 Informix Ingres Oracle Postgres Sas SQLite3 Sybase MySQL InnoDB MySQL MyISAM Adding support for additional databases means to create a subclass of Parse::Dia::SQL::Output. Patches are welcome. AUTHOR
Parse::Dia::SQL is based on tedia2sql by Tim Ellis and others. See the AUTHORS file for details. Modified by Andreas Faafeng, "<aff at>" for release on CPAN. BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-parse-dia-sql at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Parse::Dia::SQL You can also look for information at: o Project home Documentation and public source code repository: <> o RT: CPAN's request tracker <> o AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> o CPAN Ratings <> o Search CPAN <> SEE ALSO
This program is released under the GNU General Public License. TERMINOLOGY
By database we mean relational database managment system (RDBMS). METHODS
new() The constructor. Mandatory arguments: file - The .dia file to parse db - The target database type Dies if target database is unknown or unsupported. get_sql() Return sql for given db. Calls underlying methods that performs parsing and sql generation. perl v5.14.2 2012-02-01 Parse::Dia::SQL(3pm)
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