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dgr2file(1) [debian man page]

DGR2FILE(1)							  DGR executables						       DGR2FILE(1)

dgr2file - DGR reception test program SYNOPSIS
dgr2file uses DGR to receive multiple copies of the text of a file transmitted by file2dgr, writing each copy of the file to the current working directory. The name of each file written by dgr2file is file_copy_cycleNbr, where cycleNbr is initially zero and is increased by 1 every time dgr2file closes the file it is currently writing and opens a new one. Upon receiving a DGR datagram from file2dgr, dgr2file extracts the content of the datagram (either a line of text from the file that is being transmitted by file2dgr or else an EOF string indicating the end of that file). It appends each extracted line of text to the local copy of that file that dgr2file is currently writing. When the extracted datagram content is an EOF string (the ASCII text "*** End of the file ***"), dgr2file closes the file it is writing, increments cycleNbr, opens a new copy of the file for writing, and prints the message "working on cycle cycleNbr." dgr2file always receives datagrams at port 2101. EXIT STATUS
0 dgr2file has terminated. FILES
No configuration files are needed. ENVIRONMENT
No environment variables apply. DIAGNOSTICS
can't open dgr service Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. can't open output file Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. dgr_receive failed Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. can't write to output file Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. BUGS
Report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
file2dgr(1), dgr(3) perl v5.14.2 2012-05-25 DGR2FILE(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SDR2FILE(1)							  ICI executables						       SDR2FILE(1)

sdr2file - SDR data extraction test program SYNOPSIS
sdr2file configFlags DESCRIPTION
sdr2file stress-tests SDR data extraction by retrieving and deleting all text file lines inserted into a test SDR data store named "testsdrconfigFlags" by the complementary test program file2sdr(1). The operation of sdr2file echoes the cyclical operation of file2sdr: each linked list created by file2sdr is used to create in the current working directory a copy of file2sdr's original source text file. The name of each file written by sdr2file is file_copy_cycleNbr, where cycleNbr identifies the linked list from which the file's text lines were obtained. sdr2file may catch up with the data ingestion activity of file2sdr, in which case it blocks (taking the file2sdr test semaphore) until the linked list it is currently draining is no longer empty. EXIT STATUS
0 sdr2file has terminated. FILES
No configuration files are needed. ENVIRONMENT
No environment variables apply. DIAGNOSTICS
Can't use sdr. ION system error. Check for diagnostics in the ION log file ion.log. Can't create semaphore. ION system error. Check for diagnostics in the ION log file ion.log. SDR transaction failed. ION system error. Check for diagnostics in the ION log file ion.log. Can't open output file Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. can't write to output file Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. BUGS
Report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
file2sdr(1), sdr(3) perl v5.14.2 2012-05-25 SDR2FILE(1)
Man Page

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