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dbconfig-generate-include(1) [debian man page]

dbconfig-generate-include(1)					  dbconfig-common				      dbconfig-generate-include(1)

dbconfig-generate-include - generate custom format db include files SYNOPSIS
dbconfig-generate-include [-hv] [-f format] [-o options] [-a] [-d[varname]] [-u[varname]] [-p[varname]] [-s[varname]] [-P[varname]] [-t[varname]] [-C[commentstr]] [-O owner[:group]] [-m mode] [-U] infile [outfile] DESCRIPTION
dbconfig-generate-include is a program to generate custom format include files containing the information necessary to connect a program to a database resource. OPTIONS
infile use the given dbconfig-common config file as input outfile use the given file as input (default: stdout) -f|--format use the given output format (default: sh) -o|--options pass options specific to an output format in a semicolon seperated list. see OUTPUT FORMATS/OPTIONS for more information. -a|--all include all information in output (default) -d|--dbname include the dbname in the output -p|--dbpass include the dbpass in the output -s|--dbserver include the dbserver in the output -P|--dbport include the dbport in the output -u|--dbuser include the dbuser in the output -t|--dbtype include the dbtype in the output -C|--comment "comment out" any unset variables, using a string appropriate comment string for the programming language in question. can be over- ridden with an optional parameter as an arbitrary comment. -O|--owner set the owner:group of the output file -m|--mode set the permissions on the output file -U|--ucf register the outputfile with ucf -h|--help display this helpful message -v|--version output the version and exit OUTPUT FORMATS
/OPTIONS format is one of a list of include-file style formats for various programming languages. the current list includes: sh /bin/sh style include file. perl perl parseable include file. php php parseable include file. template a file which contains a series of fields to be replaced with actual values. all substitutable fields consist of the underlying dbc_ variable name capitalized and surrounded with underscores. for example: _DBC_DBUSER_. options: template_infile (path to input file containing template) cpp c-style header file, using #define'd constants. sean finney March 2005 dbconfig-generate-include(1)

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halibut(1)							   Simon Tatham 							halibut(1)

halibut - multi-format documentation formatting tool SYNOPSIS
halibut [options] file1.but [file2.but ...] DESCRIPTION
halibut reads the given set of input files, assembles them into a document, and outputs that document in one or more formats. The available command-line options can configure what formats Halibut should output in, and can also configure other things about the way Halibut works. OPTIONS
The command-line options supported by halibut are: --text[=filename] Makes Halibut generate an output file in plain text format. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, the output text file will be given that name. Otherwise, the name of the output text file will be as specified in the input files, or output.txt if none is specified at all. --html[=filename] Makes Halibut generate one or more output files in HTML format. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, there will be pre- cisely one HTML output file with that name, containing the whole document. Otherwise, there may be one or more than one HTML file produced as output; this, and the file names, will be as specified in the input files, or given a set of default names starting with Contents.html if none is specified at all. --winhelp[=filename] Makes Halibut generate an output file in Windows Help format. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, the output help file will be given that name. Otherwise, the name of the output help file will be as specified in the input files, or output.hlp if none is specified at all. The output help file must have a name ending in .hlp; if it does not, .hlp will be added. A secondary contents file will be created alongside the main help file, with the same name except that it will end in .cnt (for example output.cnt, if the main file is out- put.hlp). --man[=filename] Makes Halibut generate an output file in Unix man page format. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, the output man page will be given that name. Otherwise, the name of the output man page will be as specified in the input files, or output.1 if none is specified at all. --info[=filename] Makes Halibut generate an info file. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, the output info file will be given that name. Otherwise, the name of the output info file will be as specified in the input files, or if none is specified at all. By default, unless configured otherwise using the cfg{info-max-file-size}{0} directive, the info output will be split into multiple files. The main file will have the name you specify; the subsidiary files will have suffixes -1, -2 etc. --pdf[=filename] Makes Halibut generate an output file in PDF format. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, the PDF output file will be given that name. Otherwise, the name of the output PDF file will be as specified in the input files, or output.pdf if none is speci- fied at all. --ps[=filename] Makes Halibut generate an output file in PostScript format. If the optional filename parameter is supplied, the PostScript output file will be given that name. Otherwise, the name of the output PostScript file will be as specified in the input files, or out- if none is specified at all. -Cword:word[:word...] Adds a configuration directive to the input processed by Halibut. Using this directive is exactly equivalent to appending an extra input file to the command line which contains the directive cfg{word}{word}{word...}. --input-charset=charset Changes the assumed character set for input files from the default of ASCII. --list-charsets Makes Halibut list character sets known to it. --list-fonts Makes Halibut list fonts known to it, either intrinsically or by being passed as input files. --precise Makes Halibut report the column number as well as the line number when it encounters an error in an input file. --help Makes Halibut display a brief summary of its command-line options. --version Makes Halibut report its version number. --licence Makes Halibut display its licence (MIT). MORE INFORMATION
For more information on Halibut, including full details of the input file format, look in the full manual. If this is not installed locally on your system, you can also find it at the Halibut web site: BUGS
This man page isn't terribly complete. Halibut 2004-04-08 halibut(1)
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