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cvs2html(1) [debian man page]

CVS2HTML(1)						       Debian user's manual						       CVS2HTML(1)

cvs2html - render a CVS commit log in HTML SYNOPSIS
cvs2html [-a[-b][-k]] [-n numdif] [-l/-L home] [-e] [-f] [-d MMM DD [YYYY]] [-D DD] [-i image]] [-h] [-v] [-w framewidth] [-s percentage] [-N maxchrono] [-rrev1:rev2] [-c|-C cfilename] -O | -o htmlname [-p cvspath] [-v verbosity] DESCRIPTION
The cvs2html script fetches the commit log for a CVS module and renders it in HTML. -a Generate additional fields and files containing differences between versions in an xdiff-like side by side manner. -b Use spaces as breakpoints to wrap the text, if -a is specified. This is used to stop the two columns from exceeding the total width. -c | -C filename Save a chronologically sorted list of all log entries in html format in filename. Use -C to reverse-sort the file. -d MMM DD [YYYY] Omit all log messages prior to the given date. The first three letters of the month should be used (eg Jun 5). The year is optional. -D DD Omit all log messages older than DD days. -e Print log messages in courier (non-proportional) font. -f Generate individual log files for each file when using -o. -h Show help -i image Make image the background image. -k Ignore changes in lines caused by CVS-keyword substitutions when -a is specified. -l home Make links relative to home. -L home Make links relative to home, but substitute file extensions with .html. -n numdiff Output only the latest numdiff diffs in the log. Older commits will only have the log data displayed. -N maxchrono Show only the latest maxchrono file changes in the chronological list of changes. -o output If output is a directory, all html files produced are stored there, using the name of the repository as the base filename. Other- wise, output is used as the base name. Generate frames for easier browsing. -O output If output is a directory, all html files produced are stored there, using the name of the repository as the base filename. Other- wise, output is used as the base name. -P cvspath Set the cvs path to cvspath. -rrev1:rev2 Show only the log messages between rev1, and rev2. If a file isn't tagged, then the whole revision story of the file is shown. -s percentage Make the width of the left frame, percentage of the window. -v Insert CVSROOT information in the index. -V verbosity Set the verbosity. The higher verbosity is, the more output is printed out. -w framewidth Make the width of the left frame, framewidth pixels. EXAMPLE
cvs2html -l -f -p \ -o cvs2html/index.html -v -a -b -n 6 -C chrono.html Will create a directory called cvs2html directory. This directory will contain a log data file, for every file in the repository. The last 6 commits to every file will have a diff available. All links will be relative to It will also create a file with all the log data in it, in chronological order. AUTHORS
The cvs2html script was written by Peter Toft and others (see the comments in /usr/bin/cvs2html for an exhaustive list). This manual page was written by Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho for Debian GNU, and modified by Pascal Hakim. SEE ALSO
The file /usr/share/doc/cvs2html/help.txt. The source code to cvs2html, in /usr/bin/cvs2html. cvs(1) Debian Project 1999-12-10 CVS2HTML(1)

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STATCVS(1)						      General Commands Manual							STATCVS(1)

statcvs - CVS Repository statistic analysis tool, written in Java SYNOPSIS
cvs log > cvs-logfile.log statcvs [ options ] path/to/cvs-logfile.log path/to/checkout DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the statcvs command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original pro- gram does not have a manual page. statcvs is a program that retrieves information from a CVS repository and generates various tables and charts describing the project devel- opment, e.g. timeline for the lines of code, contribution of each developer etc. The current version of StatCvs generates a static suite of HTML documents containing tables and chart images. StatCvs is opens source software, released under the terms oft the LGPL. StatCvs uses JFreeChart to generate charts. cvs-logfile.log path to the cvs logfile of the module. Important note: statcvs will fail if the log file was not produced with cvs from within the checkout. It however does not matter if the file is not in the directory you're running statcvs from. path/to/checkout path to the directory of the checked out module OPTIONS
These programs follow the usual command line syntax, with long options starting with one dashe ("-"). A list of options is included below. For a complete description, run the program without parameters -version print the version information and exit -output-dir <dir> directory where HTML suite will be saved -include <pattern> include only files matching pattern, e.g. **/*.c;**/*.h -exclude <pattern> exclude matching files, e.g. tests/**;docs/** -title <title> Project title to be used in reports -viewcvs <url> integrate with ViewCVS installation at <url> -verbose print extra progress information JAVA-WRAPPERS NOTE This program is a shell script wrapper based on java-wrappers(7). You therefore benefit from several features; please see the java-wrap- pers(7) manual page. SEE ALSO
cvs(1) and java-wrappers(7) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Christian Bayle <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). juillet 20, 2003 STATCVS(1)
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