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ckport(1) [debian man page]

ckport(1)						   System User's Manual: ckport 						 ckport(1)

ckport - portability analysis and security checking tool SYNOPSIS
ckport [OPTIONS]... file [file,...] DESCRIPTION
ckport is a tool to check already compiled binaries and libraries for porting and security problems. It uses objdump to read the binaries and analysis call and jump functions. This package is architecture independent and can be used on non-host architecture binaries if a objdump tool for the target architecture is installed. OPTIONS
--help -h Show this help. -- End of options, only filenames follow. --mode MODE Sets mode of operation. --db DBFILE Load database DBFILE. --db-dir DBDIR Load databases from directory DBDIR. --edit-vim Show vim command pointing to location of problem. --conf KEY=VAL Set config key KEY to value VAL. --warn-mode MODE Set mode for printing of warnings. --warn PT Warn about problems of type PT. --nowarn PT Ignore warnings about problems of type PT. --nowarns Disable all warnings. --nosummery Disable summery. --summery Enable summery. --summery-on-warn Only print summery if warnings has been found. --noheader Disable printing of headers. --header Enable printing of headers. --nofile-header Disable printing of headers for each file (operant). --file-header Enable printing of headers for each file (operant). --ignore PATTERN Ignore symbols matching this Perl regex pattern. --ignore-symbol SYMBOL Ignore symbol SYMBOL. --ignore-target TARGET Ignore warnings for target TARGET. --print-mode MODE Set mode of symbol printing to MODE. --print-unknown Print unknown symbols found. --print-unknown-defined Print list of unknown but defined (internal) symbols. --print-unused Print list of defined (internal) but unused symbols. --print-known Print list of known symbols. --print-pt Print list of known problem types. SEE ALSO
objdump(1). ckport April 2011 ckport(1)

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PERF-ANNOTATE(1)						    perf Manual 						  PERF-ANNOTATE(1)

perf-annotate - Read (created by perf record) and display annotated code SYNOPSIS
perf annotate [-i <file> | --input=file] [symbol_name] DESCRIPTION
This command reads the input file and displays an annotated version of the code. If the object file has debug symbols then the source code will be displayed alongside assembly code. If there is no debug info in the object, then annotated assembly is displayed. OPTIONS
-i, --input= Input file name. (default: unless stdin is a fifo) -d, --dsos=<dso[,dso...]> Only consider symbols in these dsos. -s, --symbol=<symbol> Symbol to annotate. -f, --force Don't complain, do it. -v, --verbose Be more verbose. (Show symbol address, etc) -D, --dump-raw-trace Dump raw trace in ASCII. -k, --vmlinux=<file> vmlinux pathname. -m, --modules Load module symbols. WARNING: use only with -k and LIVE kernel. -l, --print-line Print matching source lines (may be slow). -P, --full-paths Don't shorten the displayed pathnames. --stdio Use the stdio interface. --tui Use the TUI interface. Use of --tui requires a tty, if one is not present, as when piping to other commands, the stdio interface is used. This interfaces starts by centering on the line with more samples, TAB/UNTAB cycles through the lines with more samples. --gtk Use the GTK interface. -C, --cpu Only report samples for the list of CPUs provided. Multiple CPUs can be provided as a comma-separated list with no space: 0,1. Ranges of CPUs are specified with -: 0-2. Default is to report samples on all CPUs. --asm-raw Show raw instruction encoding of assembly instructions. --source Interleave source code with assembly code. Enabled by default, disable with --no-source. --symfs=<directory> Look for files with symbols relative to this directory. -M, --disassembler-style= Set disassembler style for objdump. --objdump=<path> Path to objdump binary. --skip-missing Skip symbols that cannot be annotated. --group Show event group information together SEE ALSO
perf-record(1), perf-report(1) perf 06/30/2014 PERF-ANNOTATE(1)
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