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cfftot1(1) [debian man page]

CFFTOT1(1)						      General Commands Manual							CFFTOT1(1)

cfftot1 - convert PostScript font from CFF to Type 1 SYNOPSIS
cfftot1 [-a] [input [output]] DESCRIPTION
Cfftot1 converts PostScript font programs in the Compact Font Format (CFF) into Type 1 font programs in PFB or PFA format, preserving all hints that can be represented in Type 1. The input file should be a raw CFF file or a PostScript-flavored OpenType font. If the file output is not specified output goes to the standard output. If the file input is not specified input comes from the standard input. OPTIONS
-a, --pfa Output font in ASCII PFA format. -b, --pfb Output font in binary PFB format. This is the default. -n name, --name name Output the CFF's component font named name. CFF files can contain more than one font, although few do. Use this option to select a particular font from a multi-font collection. By default cfftot1 chooses the collection's first font. -o file, --output file Write output font to file instead of the standard output. -q, --quiet Do not generate any error messages. -h, --help Print usage information and exit. -v, --version Print the version number and some short non-warranty information and exit. SEE ALSO
t1binary(1), t1ascii(1) Adobe Type 1 Font Format Adobe Technical Notes #5176, The Compact Font Format Specification, and #5177, The Type 2 Charstring Format OpenType Specification, Version 1.4 AUTHOR
Eddie Kohler ( Version 2.92 LCDF Typetools CFFTOT1(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

T1ASCII(1)						      General Commands Manual							T1ASCII(1)

t1ascii - convert PostScript Type 1 font from binary to ASCII SYNOPSIS
t1ascii [-l length] [input [output]] DESCRIPTION
t1ascii converts Adobe Type 1 font programs in PFB (binary) format to PFA (hexadecimal) format. If the file output is not specified output goes to the standard output. If the file input is not specified input comes from the standard input. OPTIONS
--line-length=num, -l num Set the maximum length of encrypted lines in the output to num. (These are the lines consisting wholly of hexadecimal digits.) The default is 64. --warnings, -w Warn when the input font contains lines longer than 255 characters. Long lines don't strictly conform to Adobe's Document Structuring Conventions, and may cause problems with older software. SEE ALSO
t1binary(1), t1unmac(1), t1mac(1), t1asm(1), t1disasm(1) Adobe Type 1 Font Format AUTHORS
Lee Hetherington ( Eddie Kohler ( Ported to Microsoft C/C++ Compiler and MS-DOS operating system by Kai-Uwe Herbing ( Version 1.37 T1ASCII(1)
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