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bwatch(1) [debian man page]

BWATCH(1)						      General Commands Manual							 BWATCH(1)

bwatch - program to view live updates of screenshots from a BlackBerry(TM) handheld SYNOPSIS
bwatch [-d delay][-h][-p pin][-P password][-v] DESCRIPTION
bwatch is a program that takes screenshots of a given device at regular intervals, and displays those screenshots on the screen, using the SDL library. OPTIONS
-d delay The delay interval between screen updates, in milliseconds. Default is 500. -p pin PIN of device to talk with. Only needed if you have more than one Blackberry connected at once. -P password Simplistic method to specify device password. In a real application, this would be done using a more secure prompt. -v Dump verbose protocol data during operation. -h, --help Show summary of options. AUTHOR
bwatch is part of the Barry project, and was originally written by Alberto Mattea. SEE ALSO August 30, 2011 BWATCH(1)

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BJDWP(1)						      General Commands Manual							  BJDWP(1)

bjdwp - Command line USB Blackberry Java Debug Wire Protocol SYNOPSIS
bjdwp [-h][-p pin][-P password][-v] address port DESCRIPTION
bjdwp is a program that supports the Java Debug Wire Protocol over USB, which enables debugging of Java programs directly on your Black- berry. Support is experimental, and development is focused primarily on the BlackBerry Storm. OPTIONS
-p pin PIN of device to talk with. Only needed if you have more than one Blackberry connected at once. -P password Simplistic method to specify device password. In a real application, this would be done using a more secure prompt. -v Dump verbose protocol data during operation. -h, --help Show summary of options. ARGUMENTS
The following arguments are required, in order to provide a socket where the JDWP server will listen for connections from the debugger. address Most often 'localhost' but can be any IP or hostname on the machine running bjdwp. port Port to listen on. EXAMPLES
Start the server and the USB connection to the device: bjdwp localhost 8000 Then start your java debugger: jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:hostname=localhost,port=8000 AUTHOR
bjdwp was initially written for the Barry project by Nicolas VIVIEN. This manual page was written by Chris Frey. SEE ALSO September 29, 2009 BJDWP(1)
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