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bptrace(1) [debian man page]

BPTRACE(1)							  BP executables							BPTRACE(1)

bptrace - Bundle Protocol (BP) network trace utility SYNOPSIS
bptrace own_endpoint_ID destination_endpoint_ID report-to_endpoint_ID TTL class_of_service "trace_text" [status_report_flags] DESCRIPTION
bptrace uses bp_send() to issue a single bundle to a designated destination endpoint, with status reporting options enabled as selected by the user, then terminates. The status reports returned as the bundle makes its way through the network provide a view of the operation of the network as currently configured. TTL indicates the number of seconds the trace bundle may remain in the network, undelivered, before it is automatically destroyed. class_of_service is custody-requested.priority[.ordinal[.unreliable.critical[.flow-label]]], where custody-requested must be 0 or 1 (Boolean), priority must be 0 (bulk) or 1 (standard) or 2 (expedited), ordinal must be 0-254, unreliable must be 0 or 1 (Boolean), critical must also be 0 or 1 (Boolean), and flow-label may be any unsigned integer. ordinal is ignored if priority is not 2. Setting class_of_service to "0.2.254" or "1.2.254" gives a bundle the highest possible priority. Setting unreliable to 1 causes BP to forego retransmission in the event of data loss, both at the BP layer and at the convergence layer. Setting critical to 1 causes contact graph routing to forward the bundle on all plausible routes rather than just the "best" route it computes; this may result in multiple copies of the bundle arriving at the destination endpoint, but when used in conjunction with priority 2.254 it ensures that the bundle will be delivered as soon as physically possible. trace_text can be any string of ASCII text; alternatively, if we want to send a file, it can be "@" followed by the file name. status_report_flags must be a sequence of status report flags, separated by commas, with no embedded whitespace. Each status report flag must be one of the following: rcv, ct, fwd, dlv, del. EXIT STATUS
0 bptrace has terminated. FILES
No configuration files are needed. ENVIRONMENT
No environment variables apply. DIAGNOSTICS
The following diagnostics may be issued to the ion.log log file: bptrace can't attach to BP. bpadmin has not yet initialized BP operations. bptrace can't open own endpoint. Another BP application task currently has own_endpoint_ID open for bundle origination and reception. Try again after that task has terminated. If no such task exists, it may have crashed while still holding the endpoint open; the easiest workaround is to select a different source endpoint. No space for bptrace text. Probably an unrecoverable database error, in which case the local ION node must be terminated and re-initialized. bptrace can't create ZCO. Probably an unrecoverable database error, in which case the local ION node must be terminated and re-initialized. bptrace can't send message. BP system error. Check for earlier diagnostic messages describing the cause of the error; correct problem and rerun. BUGS
Report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
bp(3) perl v5.14.2 2012-05-25 BPTRACE(1)

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DTN2FW(1)							  BP executables							 DTN2FW(1)

dtn2fw - bundle route computation task for the "dtn" scheme SYNOPSIS
dtn2fw is a background "daemon" task that pops bundles from the queue of bundle destined for "dtn"-scheme endpoints, computes proximate destinations for those bundles, and appends those bundles to the appropriate queues of bundles pending transmission to those computed proximate destinations. For each possible proximate destination (that is, neighboring node) there is a separate queue for each possible level of bundle priority: 0, 1, 2. Each outbound bundle is appended to the queue matching the bundle's designated priority. Proximate destination computation is affected by static routes as configured by dtn2admin(1). dtn2fw is spawned automatically by bpadmin in response to the 's' (START) command that starts operation of Bundle Protocol on the local ION node, and it is terminated by bpadmin in response to an 'x' (STOP) command. dtn2fw can also be spawned and terminated in response to START and STOP commands that pertain specifically to the "dtn" scheme. EXIT STATUS
0 dtn2fw terminated, for reasons noted in the ion.log log file. If this termination was not commanded, investigate and solve the problem identified in the log file and use bpadmin to restart dtn2fw. 1 dtn2fw could not commence operations, for reasons noted in the ion.log log file. Investigate and solve the problem identified in the log file, then use bpadmin to restart dtn2fw. FILES
No configuration files are needed. ENVIRONMENT
No environment variables apply. DIAGNOSTICS
The following diagnostics may be issued to the ion.log log file: dtn2fw can't attach to BP. bpadmin has not yet initialized BP operations. dtn2fw can't load routing database. dtn2admin has not yet initialized the "dtn" scheme. Can't create lists for route computation. An unrecoverable database error was encountered. dtn2fw terminates. 'dtn' scheme is unknown. The "dtn" scheme was not added when bpadmin initialized BP operations. Use bpadmin to add and start the scheme. Can't take forwarder semaphore. ION system error. dtn2fw terminates. Can't enqueue bundle. An unrecoverable database error was encountered. dtn2fw terminates. BUGS
Report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
bpadmin(1), dtn2admin(1), bprc(5), dtn2rc(5). perl v5.14.2 2012-05-25 DTN2FW(1)
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