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bpsendfile(1) [debian man page]

BPSENDFILE(1)							  BP executables						     BPSENDFILE(1)

bpsendfile - Bundle Protocol (BP) file transmission utility SYNOPSIS
bpsendfile own_endpoint_ID destination_endpoint_ID file_name [class_of_service] DESCRIPTION
bpsendfile uses bp_send() to issue a single bundle to a designated destination endpoint, containing the contents of the file identified by file_name, then terminates. The bundle is sent with no custody transfer requested, with TTL of 300 seconds (5 minutes). When class_of_service is omitted, the bundle is sent at standard priority; for details of the class_of_service parameter, see bptrace(1). EXIT STATUS
0 bpsendfile has terminated. FILES
No configuration files are needed. ENVIRONMENT
No environment variables apply. DIAGNOSTICS
The following diagnostics may be issued to the ion.log log file: Can't attach to BP. bpadmin has not yet initialized BP operations. Can't open own endpoint. Another BP application task currently has own_endpoint_ID open for bundle origination and reception. Try again after that task has terminated. If no such task exists, it may have crashed while still holding the endpoint open; the easiest workaround is to select a different source endpoint. Can't stat the file Operating system error. Check errtext, correct problem, and rerun. bpsendfile can't create file ref. Probably an unrecoverable database error, in which case the local ION node must be terminated and re-initialized. bpsendfile can't create ZCO. Probably an unrecoverable database error, in which case the local ION node must be terminated and re-initialized. bpsendfile can't send file in bundle. BP system error. Check for earlier diagnostic messages describing the cause of the error; correct problem and rerun. BUGS
Report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
bprecvfile(1), bp(3) perl v5.14.2 2012-05-25 BPSENDFILE(1)

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BPSTATS2(1)							  BP executables						       BPSTATS2(1)

bpstats2 - Bundle Protocol (BP) processing statistics query utility via bundles SYNOPSIS
bpstats2 sourceEID [default destEID] [ct] DESCRIPTION
bpstats2 creates bundles containing the current values of all BP processing statistics accumulators. It creates these bundles when: o an interrogation bundle is delivered to sourceEID: the contents of the bundle are discarded, a new statistics bundle is generated and sent to the source of the interrogation bundle. The format of the interrogation bundle is irrelevant. o a SIGUSR1 signal is delivered to the bpstats2 application: a new statistics bundle is generated and sent to default destEID. EXIT STATUS
0 bpstats2 has terminated. Any problems encountered during operation will be noted in the ion.log log file. 1 bpstats2 failed to start up or receive bundles. Diagnose the issue reported in the ion.log file and try again. OPTIONS
[ct] If the string "ct" is appended as the last argument, then statistics bundles will be sent with custody transfer requested. FILES
No configuration files are needed. ENVIRONMENT
No environment variables apply. DIAGNOSTICS
The following diagnostics may be issued to the ion.log log file: bpstats2 can't bp_attach(). bpadmin has not yet initialized BP operations. bpstats2 can't open own endpoint. Another BP application has opened that endpoint; close it and try again. No space for ZCO extent. ION system error. Check for earlier diagnostic messages describing the cause of the error; correct problem and rerun. Can't create ZCO extent. ION system error. Check for earlier diagnostic messages describing the cause of the error; correct problem and rerun. bpstats2 can't send stats bundle. Bundle Protocol service to the remote endpoint has been stopped. Can't send stats: bad dest EID (dest EID) The destination EID printed is an invalid destination EID. The destination EID may be specified in default destEID or the source EID of the interrogation bundle. Ensure that default destEID is an EID that is valid for ION, and that the interrogator is a source EID that is also a valid destination EID. Note that "dtn:none" is not a valid destination EID, but is a valid source EID. NOTES
A very simple interrogator is bpchat which can repeatedly interrogate bpstats2 by just striking the enter key. BUGS
Report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
bpstats(1), bpchat(1) perl v5.14.2 2012-05-25 BPSTATS2(1)
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