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bespin(1) [debian man page]

BESPIN(1)																 BESPIN(1)

bespin - the Bespin style configurator SYNOPSIS
bespin presets | demo [style] | show <some_preset> | try <some_config.bespin> | sshot <some_file.png> [preset] [width] | load <some_preset> | import <some_config.bespin> | update <some_config.bespin> | export <some_preset> <some_config.bespin> | listStyles DESCRIPTION
This manual page briefly documents the bespin command. bespin is a program to configure the Bespin Qt4 widget style or manage the presets w/o GUI. FUNCTION LETTERS
[config] Configure the Bespin Style presets List the available Presets demo [style] Launch a demo, you can pass other stylenames show <some_preset> Open demo dialog with a preset try <some_config.bespin> Try out an exported setting sshot <some_file.png> [preset] [width] Save a screenshot load <some_preset> Load a preset to current settings import <some_config.bespin> Import an exported setting update <some_config.bespin> Like import, but overrides existing export <some_preset> <some_config.bespin> Export an imported setting listStyles List all Qt UI styles installed on this System AUTHOR
bespin was written by Thomas Lubking This manual page was written by Guillaume Martres <> from the output of bespin -h by Thomas Lubking <baghira-> for the Debian project (but may be used by others). january 25, 2008 BESPIN(1)

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ARISTA-TRANSCODE(1)					      General Commands Manual					       ARISTA-TRANSCODE(1)

arista-transcode - multimedia transcoding tool for the GNOME Desktop SYNOPSIS
arista-transcode [options] infile outfile... DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the arista-transcode command. arista is a multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop which allows user to encode audio and video streams for a wide variety of devices. arista-transcode is a command line program which allows user to encode audio and video stream for various devices. Features include automatic discovery of DVD media and V4L devices, ripping from DVD or files, a live quality preview, and included presets for the most popular devices currently in use. OPTIONS
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. -i, --info Show information about available devices. -S SUBTITLE, --subtitle=SUBTITLE Subtitle file to render. -e, --ssa Render embedded SSA subtitles. -f FONT, --font=FONT Font to use when rendering subtitles. -c, --crop Amount of pixels to crop before transcoding. Specify as: Top Right Bottom Left, default: None. -p PRESET, --preset=PRESET Preset to encode to [default]. -d DEVICE, --device=DEVICE Device to encode to [computer]. -o FILENAME, --output=FILENAME Output file name [auto]. -s, --source-info Show information about input file and exit. -q, --quiet Don't show status and time remaining. -v, --verbose Show verbose (debug) output. --install-preset FILENAME Install a downloaded device preset file. --reset-presets Reset presets to factory defaults. SEE ALSO
arista-gtk(1). AUTHOR
arista-transcode was written by Daniel G. Taylor <>. This manual page was written by Alessio Treglia <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). June 23, 2011 ARISTA-TRANSCODE(1)
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