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asmixer(1) [debian man page]

asmixer(1)						      General Commands Manual							asmixer(1)

asmixer - the AfterStep Mixer SYNOPSIS
asmixer [ -help ] [ -g geometry ] [ -d device ] [ -1 control ] [ -2 control ] [ -3 control ] [ -t title ] [ -v rate ] [ -w withdrawn ] DESCRIPTION
asmixer is a nice little application for controlling the volume of various sound outputs through three slider bars. It can be swallowed into Afterstep's Wharf for ease of use. OPTIONS
-h -help --help SOS, 911, etc. -g [+|-]x[+|-]y standard format for where you want to exile asmixer -d device the mixer device to harass -1 -2 -3 control this binds a slider to a specific sound device: VOLUME, BASS, TREBLE, SYNTH, PCM, SPEAKER, LINE, MIC, CD, IMIX, ALPTPCM, RECLEV, IGAIN, OGAIN, LINE1, LINE2, LINE3 -w WindowMaker withdrawn window support. -v volume the volume (1-100) to set the first slider to DEFAULTS
-d /dev/mixer -1 VOLUME -2 CD -3 PCM -t asmixer INVOCATION
asmixer can be called from one of many ways. The most common invocation is Afterstep's .steprc: *Wharf "mixer" nil Swallow "asmixer" asmixer -g -1-1 & This line will cause asmixer to be swallowed into Wharf, which 9 out of 10 dentists agree is cool. You will then be able to slide to your hearts content in perfect Wharf comfort! Another way to call asmixer is from the command line: [ximenes@leo]$ asmixer -d /dev/mixer -t asmixer -v 95 & This will pop up a little window with asmixer helplessly imprisoned inside. Don't worry, it likes it. SEE ALSO
afterstep(1), Wharf(1) COPYRIGHTS
Copyright 1997, Rob Malda <>. No guarantees or warranties or anything are provided or implied in any way whatsoever. Use this program at your own risk. Permission to use this program for any purpose is given, as long as the copyright is kept intact. CREDITS
Rob Malda <> -- Ye Olde Application Ximenes Zalteca <> -- Page O' Fun 3rd Berkeley Distribution 17 May 1997 asmixer(1)

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asmix(1)						      General Commands Manual							  asmix(1)

asmix - the AfterStep volume control knob SYNOPSIS
asmix [-h] [-V] [-iconic] [-shape] [-withdrawn] [-geometry [+|-]x[+|-]y] [-channel channel-id] [-exe command] [-device mixer-device] [-name window-name] DESCRIPTION
The asmix is a X11 application that acts as a volume control knob for the /dev/mixer device. The applet provides a distinctive AfterStep window manager look. The best thing about this applet is that you do not have to learn how to use it. If you used any volume knobs before - you know how to operate this one. If you never came across such a thing then just grab the knob with the left button of your mouse and turn it into the position you like. CONFIGURATION OPTIONS
-h Prints a short description and usage message. -V Version control. Prints the version of the applet. -geometry [+|-]x[+|-]y Displays the window at the specified location on the screen. This works as standard X Windows geometry option. -iconic Starts the asmix application in the iconized mode. The icon has the same appearance with the main window. -shape Starts the asmix application without groundplate. -withdrawn Starts the asmix applet in the "withdrawn" mode. Necessary to be able to dock it to the Window Maker's dock. -channel <channel-id> Specifies the channel to control (default: volume). The possible channels include: volume, pcm, bass, treble, synth, speaker, line, mic, cd, imix, pcm2, record, igain, ogain, line1, line2, line3, digital1, digital2, digital3, phone-in, phone-out, video, radio, monitor. Note that not all systems support all channels. -exe <command> The applet will execute the specified command on a mouseclick with the middle mouse button in the window. -device <mixer-device> The applet will attempt to opern the specified mixer device instead of the standard /dev/mixer. -name <window-name> The applet will set the name of the window to the specified window-name instead of the standard "asmix". This is useful when swal- lowing multiple instances of asmix into the AfterStep Wharf. INVOCATION
asmix was written to be swallowed by the AfterStep wharf module, but it can be used with everything else too. A common invocation is the command line: user@host[1]% asmix & Another way to call asmix is from the AfterStep Wharf: *Wharf asmix nil Swallow "asmix" asmix -shape & This line, when placed in the wharf file in the users Afterstep configuration directory will cause asmix to be a button on the Wharf (1) button bar under the afterstep (1) window manager. BUGS
None that I am aware of. FILES
/dev/mixer SEE ALSO
Copyright (c) 1998 original author unknown Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Albert "Tigr" Dorofeev <> Copyright (c) 2000 John "wizgrav" Gravezas <> Distributed under GNU General Public License, see LICENSE file for the details. AUTHORS
The application: original author unknown, was maintained by Albert "Tigr" Dorofeev <>, currently maintained by ... well, again by himself. The man page: Albert Dorofeev <> 3rd Berkeley Distribution 01 November 2004 asmix(1)
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