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morla(1) [debian man page]

MORLA(1)							   User Commands							  MORLA(1)

morla - editor and browser of RDF document 0.16.1 SYNOPSIS
morla [ -h | --help ] [ -t | --template template_name | template_uri ] [ -i | --import template_uri ] [ files... | URLs... ] DESCRIPTION
Morla is a multiplatform editor of RDF documents. It is based on libnxml and librdf libraries. With Morla you can manage more RDF documents simultaneously, visualize graphs and use templates for quick writing. With Morla you can import RDFS documents and use its content to write new RDF triples. Templates are also RDF documents and they make Morla easily personalizeble and expandable. You can also use Morla as RDF navigator, wandering among the net knots of the RDF documents present on internet exactly as we are used to do with normal browsers. Morla is a FreeSoftware project released under license GPL v2.0. AUTHOR
morla written by Andrea Marchesini <> Man page written by Andrea Marchesini <> morla 9 April 2006 MORLA(1)

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RDF::Redland::Serializer(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			     RDF::Redland::Serializer(3pm)

RDF::Redland::Serializer - Redland RDF Serializing to Syntax Class SYNOPSIS
use RDF::Redland; ... my $serializer=new RDF::Redland::Serializer("ntriples"); $serializer->serialize_model_to_file("foo.rdf", $base_uri, $model); DESCRIPTION
This class represents serializers that turn RDF graphs into various syntaxes. from an RDF::Redland::Model object. CONSTRUCTORS
new [NAME [MIME_TYPE [URI]]] Create a new RDF::Redland::Serializer object for a syntax serializer named NAME, with MIME Type MIME_TYPE and/or URI URI. Any field can be undef or omitted; if all are omitted, the default serializer is used, currently 'ntriples'. METHODS
serialize_model_to_file FILENAME BASE_URI MODEL Serialize the RDF Graph MODEL as syntax with the base RDF::Redland::URI BASE_URI to file FILENAME. serialize_model_to_string BASE-URI MODEL Serialize the RDF Graph MODEL to a syntax. If no serializer name is given, the default serializer RDF/XML is used. set_namespace PREFIX URI Define a namespace URI with the supplied PREFIX for use in serializing an RDF Graph. feature URI [VALUE] Get/set a serializer feature. The feature is named via RDF::Redland::URI URI and the value is a string. If VALUE is given, the feature is set to that value, otherwise the current value is returned. SEE ALSO
RDF::Redland::Parser, RDF::Redland::URI AUTHOR
Dave Beckett - perl v5.14.2 2011-02-04 RDF::Redland::Serializer(3pm)
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