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lsh-decrypt-key(1) [debian man page]

LSH-DECRYPT-KEY(1)						    Lsh Manuals 						LSH-DECRYPT-KEY(1)

lsh-decrypt-key - Decrypts the given key and outputs it in unecrypted form. SYNOPSIS
lsh-decrypt-key [OPTION...] DESCRIPTION
CAUTION! The information in this manpage may be invalid or outdated. For authorative information on lsh, please see it's Texinfo manual (see the SEE ALSO section). The given key (supplied on stdin or in the file given with the --in option) and it's passphrase is read. The key is decrypted and written to stdout (or the file supplied by the --out option). This program is usually invoked by the lsh-upgrade-key script. OPTIONS
--askpass=Program Program to use for reading passwords. Should be an absolute filename. --in=encrypted key filename (defaults to stdin) --out=decrypted key filename (defaults to stdout) --debug Print huge amounts of debug information --log-file=File name Append messages to this file. -q, --quiet Suppress all warnings and diagnostic messages --trace Detailed trace -v, --verbose Verbose diagnostic messages -?, --help Give this help list --usage Give a short usage message -V, --version Print program version DIAGNOSTICS
See the --verbose , --trace and --debug options. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. COPYING
The lsh suite of programs is distributed under the GNU General Public License; see the COPYING and AUTHORS files in the source distribution for details. AUTHOR
The lsh program suite is written mainly by Niels Moller <>. This man-page was written for lsh 2.0 by Pontus Freyhult <>, it is based on a template written by J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <>. SEE ALSO
DSA(5), lsh(1), lsh-authorize(1), lsh-decode-key(1), lsh-export-key(1), lsh-keygen(1), lsh-make-seed(1), lsh-upgrade(1), lsh-upgrade- key(1), lsh-writekey(1), lshd(8), secsh(5), SHA(5), SPKI(5), ssh-conv(1) The full documentation for lsh is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and lsh programs are properly installed at your site, the command info lsh should give you access to the complete manual. LSH-DECRYPT-KEY NOVEMBER 2004 LSH-DECRYPT-KEY(1)

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LSHG(1) 							    Lsh Manuals 							   LSHG(1)

lshg - secsh (SSH2) client SYNOPSIS
CAUTION! The information in this manpage may be invalid or outdated. For authorative information on lsh, please see it's Texinfo manual (see the SEE ALSO section). Connects to the the remote machine HOST through a previously established lsh gateway and perform one or more actions, i.e. command execu- tion, various forwarding services. The default action is to start a remote interactive shell or execute a given command on the remote machine. OPTIONS
--debug Print huge amounts of debug information --log-file=File name Append messages to this file. -q, --quiet Suppress all warnings and diagnostic messages --trace Detailed trace -v, --verbose Verbose diagnostic messages --askpass=Program Program to use for reading passwords. Should be an absolute filename. -l, --user=User name Login as this user. -p, --port=Port Connect to this port. Actions: -B, --background Put process into the background. Implies -N. -D, --forward-socks[=port] Enable socks dynamic forwarding -E, --execute=command Execute a command on the remote machine -L, --forward-local-port=local-port:target-host:target-port -N, --nop No operation (suppresses the default action, which is to spawn a remote shell) --subsystem=subsystem-name Connect to given subsystem. Implies --no-pty. -S, --shell=command Spawn a remote shell Universal not: -n, --no Inverts the effect of the next modifier Modifiers that apply to port forwarding: -g, --remote-peers Allow remote access to forwarded ports --no-remote-peers Disallow remote access to forwarded ports (default). Modifiers that apply to remote execution: --detach Detach from terminal at session end. --no-detach Do not detach session at end, wait for all open channels (default). --no-pty Don't request a remote pty. --no-stderr Redirect stderr to /dev/null --no-stdin Redirect stdin from /dev/null --no-stdout Redirect stdout to /dev/null --stderr=Filename Redirect stderr --stdin=Filename Redirect stdin --stdout=Filename Redirect stdout -t, --pty Request a remote pty (default). Miscellaneous options: -e, --escape-char=Character Escape char. `none' means disable. Default is to use `~' if we have a tty, otherwise none. --write-pid Make -B write the pid of the backgrounded process to stdout. -G If no usable gateway is found, launch lsh instead. --send-debug=Message Send a debug message to the remote machine. --send-ignore=Message Send an ignore message to the remote machine. -?, --help Give this help list --usage Give a short usage message -V, --version Print program version Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options. DIAGNOSTICS
See the --verbose , --trace and --debug options. EXAMPLES
Using the -G option, for example in LSHGFLAGS it's easy to use an existing gateway if there is any and connect using lsh if not. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. ENVIRONMENT
LSHG_FLAGS may be used for passing additional parameters. The parsing order is undefined. COPYING
The lsh suite of programs is distributed under the GNU General Public License; see the COPYING and AUTHORS files in the source distribution for details. AUTHOR
The lsh program suite is written mainly by Niels Moller <>. This man-page was written for lsh 2.0 by Pontus Freyhult <>, it is based on a template written by J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <>. SEE ALSO
lsftp(1), lsh(1), lsh-authorize(1), lsh-export-key(1), lsh-keygen(1), lsh-make-seed(1), lsh-upgrade(1), lsh-upgrade-key(1), lsh- writekey(1), lshd(8), ssh-conv(1) The full documentation for lsh is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and lsh programs are properly installed at your site, the command info lsh should give you access to the complete manual. LSHG
Man Page