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ttk_image(n) [centos man page]

ttk_image(n)							 Tk Themed Widget						      ttk_image(n)


ttk_image - Define an element based on an image SYNOPSIS
ttk::style element create name image imageSpec ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The image element factory creates a new element in the current theme whose visual appearance is determined by Tk images. imageSpec is a list of one or more elements. The first element is the default image name. The rest of the list is a sequence of statespec / value pairs specifying other images to use when the element is in a particular state or combination of states. OPTIONS
Valid options are: -border padding padding is a list of up to four integers, specifying the left, top, right, and bottom borders, respectively. See IMAGE STRETCHING, below. -height height Specifies a minimum height for the element. If less than zero, the base image's height is used as a default. -padding padding Specifies the element's interior padding. Defaults to -border if not specified. -sticky spec Specifies how the image is placed within the final parcel. spec contains zero or more characters "n", "s", "w", or "e". -width width Specifies a minimum width for the element. If less than zero, the base image's width is used as a default. IMAGE STRETCHING
If the element's allocated parcel is larger than the image, the image will be placed in the parcel based on the -sticky option. If the image needs to stretch horizontally (i.e., -sticky ew) or vertically (-sticky ns), subregions of the image are replicated to fill the par- cel based on the -border option. The -border divides the image into 9 regions: four fixed corners, top and left edges (which may be tiled horizontally), left and right edges (which may be tiled vertically), and the central area (which may be tiled in both directions). EXAMPLE
set img1 [image create photo -file button.png] set img2 [image create photo -file button-pressed.png] set img3 [image create photo -file button-active.png] style element create Button.button image [list $img1 pressed $img2 active $img3] -border {2 4} -sticky we SEE ALSO
ttk::intro(n), ttk::style(n), ttk_vsapi(n), image(n), photo(n) KEYWORDS
style, theme, appearance, pixmap theme, image Tk 8.5 ttk_image(n)

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ttk_vsapi(n)							 Tk Themed Widget						      ttk_vsapi(n)


ttk_vsapi - Define a Microsoft Visual Styles element SYNOPSIS
ttk::style element create name vsapi className partId ?stateMap? ?options? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The vsapi element factory creates a new element in the current theme whose visual appearance is drawn using the Microsoft Visual Styles API which is reponsible for the themed styles on Windows XP and Vista. This factory permits any of the Visual Styles parts to be declared as ttk elements that can then be included in a style layout to modify the appearance of ttk widgets. className and partId are required parameters and specify the Visual Styles class and part as given in the Microsoft documentation. The stateMap may be provided to map ttk states to Visual Styles API states (see STATE MAP). OPTIONS
Valid options are: -padding padding Specify the element's interior padding. padding is a list of up to four integers specifying the left, top, right and bottom padding quantities respectively. This option may not be mixed with any other options. -margins padding Specifies the elements exterior padding. padding is a list of up to four integers specifying the left, top, right and bottom pad- ding quantities respectively. This option may not be mixed with any other options. -width width Specifies the height for the element. If this option is set then the Visual Styles API will not be queried for the recommended size or the part. If this option is set then -height should also be set. The -width and -height options cannot be mixed with the -padding or -margins options. -height height Specifies the height of the element. See the comments for -width. STATE MAP
The stateMap parameter is a list of ttk states and the corresponding Visual Styles API state value. This permits the element appearence to respond to changes in the widget state such as becoming active or being pressed. The list should be as described for the ttk::style map command but note that the last pair in the list should be the default state and is typically and empty list and 1. Unfortunately all the Visual Styles parts have different state values and these must be looked up either in the Microsoft documentation or more likely in the header files. The original header to use was tmschema.h but in more recent versions of the Windows Development Kit this is vssym32.h. If no stateMap parameter is given there is an implicit default map of {{} 1} EXAMPLE
Create a correctly themed close button by changing the layout of a ttk::button(n). This uses the WINDOW part WP_SMALLCLOSEBUTTON and as documented the states CBS_DISABLED, CBS_HOT, CBS_NORMAL and CBS_PUSHED are mapped from ttk states. ttk::style element create smallclose vsapi WINDOW 19 {disabled 4 pressed 3 active 2 {} 1} ttk::style layout CloseButton {CloseButton.smallclose -sticky news} pack [ttk::button .close -style CloseButton] Change the appearence of a ttk::checkbutton(n) to use the Explorer pin part EBP_HEADERPIN. ttk::style element create pin vsapi EXPLORERBAR 3 { {pressed !selected} 3 {active !selected} 2 {pressed selected} 6 {active selected} 5 {selected} 4 {} 1 } ttk::style layout Explorer.Pin { -sticky news} pack [ttk::checkbutton .pin -style Explorer.Pin] SEE ALSO
ttk::intro(n), ttk::widget(n), ttk::style(n), ttk_image(n) KEYWORDS
style, theme, appearance, windows Tk 8.5 ttk_vsapi(n)
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