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pkg::create(n) [centos man page]

pkg::create(n)						       Tcl Built-In Commands						    pkg::create(n)


pkg::create - Construct an appropriate 'package ifneeded' command for a given package specification SYNOPSIS
::pkg::create -name packageName -version packageVersion ?-load filespec? ... ?-source filespec? ... _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
::pkg::create is a utility procedure that is part of the standard Tcl library. It is used to create an appropriate package ifneeded com- mand for a given package specification. It can be used to construct a pkgIndex.tcl file for use with the package mechanism. OPTIONS
The parameters supported are: -name packageName This parameter specifies the name of the package. It is required. -version packageVersion This parameter specifies the version of the package. It is required. -load filespec This parameter specifies a binary library that must be loaded with the load command. filespec is a list with two elements. The first element is the name of the file to load. The second, optional element is a list of commands supplied by loading that file. If the list of procedures is empty or omitted, ::pkg::create will set up the library for direct loading (see pkg_mkIndex). Any num- ber of -load parameters may be specified. -source filespec This parameter is similar to the -load parameter, except that it specifies a Tcl library that must be loaded with the source com- mand. Any number of -source parameters may be specified. At least one -load or -source parameter must be given. SEE ALSO
package(n) KEYWORDS
auto-load, index, package, version Tcl 8.3 pkg::create(n)

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pkg::create(n)						       Tcl Built-In Commands						    pkg::create(n)


pkg::create - Construct an appropriate package ifneeded command for a given package specification SYNOPSIS
::pkg::create -name packageName -version packageVersion ?-load filespec? ... ?-source filespec? ... _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
::pkg::create is a utility procedure that is part of the standard Tcl library. It is used to create an appropriate package ifneeded com- mand for a given package specification. It can be used to construct a pkgIndex.tcl file for use with the package mechanism. OPTIONS
The parameters supported are: -name packageName This parameter specifies the name of the package. It is required. -version packageVersion This parameter specifies the version of the package. It is required. -load filespec This parameter specifies a binary library that must be loaded with the load command. filespec is a list with two elements. The first element is the name of the file to load. The second, optional element is a list of commands supplied by loading that file. If the list of procedures is empty or omitted, ::pkg::create will set up the library for direct loading (see pkg_mkIndex). Any num- ber of -load parameters may be specified. -source filespec This parameter is similar to the -load parameter, except that it specifies a Tcl library that must be loaded with the source com- mand. Any number of -source parameters may be specified. At least one -load or -source parameter must be given. SEE ALSO
package(n) KEYWORDS
auto-load, index, package, version Tcl 8.3 pkg::create(n)
Man Page

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