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lower(n) [centos man page]

lower(n)						       Tk Built-In Commands							  lower(n)


lower - Change a window's position in the stacking order SYNOPSIS
lower window ?belowThis? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
If the belowThis argument is omitted then the command lowers window so that it is below all of its siblings in the stacking order (it will be obscured by any siblings that overlap it and will not obscure any siblings). If belowThis is specified then it must be the path name of a window that is either a sibling of window or the descendant of a sibling of window. In this case the lower command will insert window into the stacking order just below belowThis (or the ancestor of belowThis that is a sibling of window); this could end up either raising or lowering window. SEE ALSO
lower, obscure, stacking order Tk 3.3 lower(n)

Check Out this Related Man Page

raise(n)						       Tk Built-In Commands							  raise(n)


raise - Change a window's position in the stacking order SYNOPSIS
raise window ?aboveThis? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
If the aboveThis argument is omitted then the command raises window so that it is above all of its siblings in the stacking order (it will not be obscured by any siblings and will obscure any siblings that overlap it). If aboveThis is specified then it must be the path name of a window that is either a sibling of window or the descendant of a sibling of window. In this case the raise command will insert window into the stacking order just above aboveThis (or the ancestor of aboveThis that is a sibling of window); this could end up either raising or lowering window. EXAMPLE
Make a button appear to be in a sibling frame that was created after it. This is is often necessary when building GUIs in the style where you create your activity widgets first before laying them out on the display: button .b -text "Hi there!" pack [frame .f -background blue] pack [label .f.l1 -text "This is above"] pack .b -in .f pack [label .f.l2 -text "This is below"] raise .b SEE ALSO
lower(n) KEYWORDS
obscure, raise, stacking order Tk 3.3 raise(n)
Man Page

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