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thai/thcell.h(3)						      libthai							  thai/thcell.h(3)

thai/thcell.h - Thai string cell custering. SYNOPSIS
Data Structures struct thcell_t Thai char cell representation. Functions void th_init_cell (struct thcell_t *cell) Initialize a Thai cell. size_t th_next_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_t len, struct thcell_t *cell, int is_decomp_am) Get first cell from string. size_t th_prev_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_t pos, struct thcell_t *cell, int is_decomp_am) Get previous cell from string. size_t th_make_cells (const thchar_t *s, size_t len, struct thcell_t cells[], size_t *ncells, int is_decomp_am) Tokenize string into cells. Detailed Description Thai string cell custering. Function Documentation void th_init_cell (struct thcell_t *cell) Initialize a Thai cell. Parameters: cell : pointer to the cell to initialize Initializes values in the Thai cell struct. size_t th_make_cells (const thchar_t *s, size_tlen, struct thcell_tcells[], size_t *ncells, intis_decomp_am) Tokenize string into cells. Parameters: s : the string len : the length of string cells : the array of output cells buffer ncells : the address of integer storing the number of cells provided by the buffer, and to keep the number of resulting cells on return is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells Returns: total characters consumed Tokenizes the string bounded by s and len into cells, and stores at most *ncells resulting cells in the cells buffer. On return, *ncells is also set to the total cells stored in cells[]. size_t th_next_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_tlen, struct thcell_t *cell, intis_decomp_am) Get first cell from string. Parameters: s : the string len : the length of string cell : the output buffer is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells Returns: total chars consumed by the cell Gets first cell from the string bounded by s and len, and, if cell is not null, stores the cell data in it. size_t th_prev_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_tpos, struct thcell_t *cell, intis_decomp_am) Get previous cell from string. Parameters: s : the string pos : the position in string to get cell previous to cell : the output buffer is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells Returns: total chars consumed by the cell Gets last cell from the string bounded by s and pos, and if cell is not null, stores the cell data in it. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libthai from the source code. Version 0.1.14 Tue Jun 17 2014 thai/thcell.h(3)

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thai/thcell.h(3)						      libthai							  thai/thcell.h(3)

thai/thcell.h - Thai string cell custering. SYNOPSIS
Data Structures struct thcell_t Thai char cell representation. Functions void th_init_cell (struct thcell_t *cell) Initialize a Thai cell. size_t th_next_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_t len, struct thcell_t *cell, int is_decomp_am) Get first cell from string. size_t th_prev_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_t pos, struct thcell_t *cell, int is_decomp_am) Get previous cell from string. size_t th_make_cells (const thchar_t *s, size_t len, struct thcell_t cells[], size_t *ncells, int is_decomp_am) Tokenize string into cells. Detailed Description Thai string cell custering. Function Documentation void th_init_cell (struct thcell_t *cell) Initialize a Thai cell. Parameters: cell : pointer to the cell to initialize Initializes values in the Thai cell struct. size_t th_make_cells (const thchar_t *s, size_tlen, struct thcell_tcells[], size_t *ncells, intis_decomp_am) Tokenize string into cells. Parameters: s : the string len : the length of string cells : the array of output cells buffer ncells : the address of integer storing the number of cells provided by the buffer, and to keep the number of resulting cells on return is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells Returns: total characters consumed Tokenizes the string bounded by s and len into cells, and stores at most *ncells resulting cells in the cells buffer. On return, *ncells is also set to the total cells stored in cells[]. size_t th_next_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_tlen, struct thcell_t *cell, intis_decomp_am) Get first cell from string. Parameters: s : the string len : the length of string cell : the output buffer is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells Returns: total chars consumed by the cell Gets first cell from the string bounded by s and len, and, if cell is not null, stores the cell data in it. size_t th_prev_cell (const thchar_t *s, size_tpos, struct thcell_t *cell, intis_decomp_am) Get previous cell from string. Parameters: s : the string pos : the position in string to get cell previous to cell : the output buffer is_decomp_am : whether SARA AM is to be decomposed into NIKHANIT and SARA AA and to be in separate cells Returns: total chars consumed by the cell Gets last cell from the string bounded by s and pos, and if cell is not null, stores the cell data in it. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libthai from the source code. Version 0.1.14 Tue Jun 17 2014 thai/thcell.h(3)
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