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vmalloc(9) [centos man page]

VMALLOC(9)						    Memory Management in Linux							VMALLOC(9)

vmalloc - allocate virtually contiguous memory SYNOPSIS
void * vmalloc(unsigned long size); ARGUMENTS
size allocation size Allocate enough pages to cover size from the page level allocator and map them into contiguous kernel virtual space. DESCRIPTION
For tight control over page level allocator and protection flags use __vmalloc instead. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 VMALLOC(9)

Check Out this Related Man Page

MEMORYALLOCATORS(9)					   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual				       MEMORYALLOCATORS(9)

memoryallocators -- introduction to kernel memory allocators DESCRIPTION
The NetBSD kernel provides several memory allocators, each with different characteristics and purpose. This document summarizes the main differences between them. The Kmem Allocator The kmem allocator is modelled after an interface of similar name implemented in Solaris. This is main general purpose allocator in the ker- nel. It is implemented on-top of the vmem(9) resource allocator (beyond the scope of this document), meaning it will be using pool_cache(9) inter- nally to speed-up common (small) sized allocations. It requires no setup, but cannot be used from interrupt context. See kmem(9) for more details. The Pool Allocator The pool(9) allocator is a fixed-size memory allocator. It requires setup (to initialize a memory pool) and is interrupt-safe. See pool(9) for more details. The Pool Cache Allocator The pool cache allocator works on-top of the pool(9) allocator, also allowing fixed-size allocation only, requires setup, and is interrupt- safe. The pool cache allocator is expected to be faster than other allocators, including the ``normal'' pool allocator. In the future this allocator is expected to have a per-CPU cache. See pool_cache(9) for more details. The UVM Kernel Memory Allocator This is a low-level memory allocator interface. It allows variable-sized allocations in multiples of PAGE_SIZE, and can be used to allocate both wired and pageable kernel memory. See uvm(9) for more details. SEE ALSO
intro(9), kmem(9), pool(9), pool_cache(9), uvm(9), vmem(9) AUTHORS
Elad Efrat <> YAMAMOTO Takashi <> BSD
August 3, 2009 BSD
Man Page

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