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usb_get_status(9) [centos man page]

USB_GET_STATUS(9)						   USB Core APIs						 USB_GET_STATUS(9)

usb_get_status - issues a GET_STATUS call SYNOPSIS
int usb_get_status(struct usb_device * dev, int type, int target, void * data); ARGUMENTS
dev the device whose status is being checked type USB_RECIP_*; for device, interface, or endpoint target zero (for device), else interface or endpoint number data pointer to two bytes of bitmap data CONTEXT
!in_interrupt () DESCRIPTION
Returns device, interface, or endpoint status. Normally only of interest to see if the device is self powered, or has enabled the remote wakeup facility; or whether a bulk or interrupt endpoint is halted ("stalled"). Bits in these status bitmaps are set using the SET_FEATURE request, and cleared using the CLEAR_FEATURE request. The usb_clear_halt function should be used to clear halt ("stall") status. This call is synchronous, and may not be used in an interrupt context. Returns 0 and the status value in *data (in host byte order) on success, or else the status code from the underlying usb_control_msg call. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 USB_GET_STATUS(9)

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usb_get_status(9F)					   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					usb_get_status(9F)

usb_get_status - Get status of a USB device/endpoint/interface SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/usb/usba.h> int usb_get_status(dev_info_t *dip, usb_pipe_handle_t pipe_handle, uint_t request_type, uint_t which, uint16_t *status, usb_flags_t flags); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI) PARAMETERS
dip Pointer to device's dev_info structure. pipe_handle Default control pipe handle on which request is made. request_type bmRequestType. Either: USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_DEV -- Get device status. USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_IF -- Get interface status. USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_EP -- Get endpoint status. which Device, interface or endpoint from which to get status. Either number of interface or endpoint, or 0 if device status requested. status Address into which the status is written. flags None are recognized. DESCRIPTION
The usb_get_status() function returns the status of a device, interface or endpoint. All status requests use the default control pipe. Length of data returned is USB_GET_STATUS_LEN bytes. Always block and wait for resources if not available, regardless of the flags argu- ment. When the request_type recipient is USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_DEV, device status is requested. Status returned includes bits for USB_DEV_SLF_PWRD_STATUS (device is currently self-powered) and USB_DEV_RWAKEUP_STATUS (device has remote wakeup enabled). A set bit indicates the corresponding status. When the request_type is USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_EP, endpoint status is requested. Status returned includes bits for USB_EP_HALT_STATUS (endpoint is halted). A set bit indicates the corresponding status. When the request_type is USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_IF, interface status is requested and USB_IF_STATUS (zero) is returned. RETURN VALUES
USB_SUCCESS Status returned successfully in the status argument. USB_INVALID_ARGS Status pointer and/or dip argument is NULL. USB_INVALID_PIPE Pipe handle is NULL. USB_FAILURE Status not returned successfully. CONTEXT
May be called from user or kernel context. EXAMPLES
uint16_t status; if (usb_get_status( dip, pipe_handle, USB_DEV_REQ_RCPT_DEV, 0 &status, 0) == USB_SUCCESS) { if (status & USB_DEV_SLF_PWRD_STATUS) { cmn_err (CE_WARN, "%s%d: USB device is running on its own power.", ddi_driver_name(dip), ddi_get_instance(dip)); } } ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Architecture |PCI-based systems | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWusb | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5), usb_clr_feature(9F), usb_get_alt_if(9F), usb_pipe_get_state(9F), usb_get_cfg(9F), SunOS 5.10 5 Jan 2004 usb_get_status(9F)
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