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skb_push(9) [centos man page]

SKB_PUSH(9)							 Linux Networking						       SKB_PUSH(9)

skb_push - add data to the start of a buffer SYNOPSIS
unsigned char * skb_push(struct sk_buff * skb, unsigned int len); ARGUMENTS
skb buffer to use len amount of data to add DESCRIPTION
This function extends the used data area of the buffer at the buffer start. If this would exceed the total buffer headroom the kernel will panic. A pointer to the first byte of the extra data is returned. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 SKB_PUSH(9)

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roar_stream_add_data(3) 				System Manager's Manual: RoarAudio				   roar_stream_add_data(3)

roar_stream_add_data - Adds data to a stream's input buffer using the controll connection SYNOPSIS
#include <roaraudio.h> int roar_stream_add_data(struct roar_connection * con, struct roar_stream * s, char * data, size_t len); DESCRIPTION
This adds data to the input buffer of a stream. It's like doing some thing like this: write(stream_fh, data, len); but uses the controll channel to add the data. PARAMETERS
con The connection to the server. s The stream to add data to it's input buffer. data The data to add to the buffer. len The length of the data to be added. RETURN VALUE
On success these calls return 0. On error, -1 is returned. EXAMPLES
This call doesn't work with the current roard. The server does not use all of the buffer size and complains about unterruns. SEE ALSO
write(2), libroar(7), RoarAudio(7). RoarAudio May 2011 roar_stream_add_data(3)
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