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seq_read(9) [centos man page]

SEQ_READ(9)							   The Linux VFS						       SEQ_READ(9)

seq_read - ->read method for sequential files. SYNOPSIS
ssize_t seq_read(struct file * file, char __user * buf, size_t size, loff_t * ppos); ARGUMENTS
file the file to read from buf the buffer to read to size the maximum number of bytes to read ppos the current position in the file DESCRIPTION
Ready-made ->f_op->read COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 SEQ_READ(9)

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roar_vs_read(3) 					   RoarAudio Programmer's Manual					   roar_vs_read(3)

roar_vs_read, roar_vs_write - Read or write data from or to sound server SYNOPSIS
#include <roaraudio.h> ssize_t roar_vs_read (roar_vs_t * vss, void * buf, size_t len, int * error); ssize_t roar_vs_write(roar_vs_t * vss, const void * buf, size_t len, int * error); DESCRIPTION
roar_vs_read() reads data from the sound server into buffer buf. roar_vs_write() writes data in buffer buf to the sound server. PARAMETERS
vss The VS object data is read from or written to. buf The buffer to read to or write from. len The length of the data to be read or written in byte. error This is a pointer to a integer used to store the error value in case of error. This can be NULL if not used but it is very recom- mended to use this error value to report good error messages to the user. RETURN VALUE
On success these calls return the amount of data read or written. This can be smaller than the requested size. On error, -1 is returned. EXAMPLES
roarvs(7), libroar(7), RoarAudio(7). RoarAudio May 2011 roar_vs_read(3)
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