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security_module_enable(9) [centos man page]

SECURITY_MODULE_ENAB(9) 					Security Framework					   SECURITY_MODULE_ENAB(9)

security_module_enable - Load given security module on boot ? SYNOPSIS
int security_module_enable(struct security_operations * ops); ARGUMENTS
ops a pointer to the struct security_operations that is to be checked. DESCRIPTION
Each LSM must pass this method before registering its own operations to avoid security registration races. This method may also be used to check if your LSM is currently loaded during kernel initialization. RETURN TRUE IF
-The passed LSM is the one chosen by user at boot time, -or the passed LSM is configured as the default and the user did not choose an alternate LSM at boot time. Otherwise, return false. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 SECURITY_MODULE_ENAB(9)

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volencap(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       volencap(8)

volencap, volreconfig - Encapsulates disks, partitions, or AdvFS domains SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/volencap [-g diskgroup] [-p volprefix] [privlen=nn] [nconfig=nn] { diskname | partition_name | domain_name }... /usr/sbin/volencap -k { diskname | partition_name | domain_name }... /usr/sbin/volencap -k -a /usr/sbin/volencap -s /sbin/volreconfig OPTIONS
Puts the encapsulated disk into the disk group specified by disk group ID or disk group name. Instructs volencap to use the specified vol- prefix as the prefix for LSM volume names generated. This is useful if the LSM volume names generated already exist. Instructs volencap to remove any pending encapsulation requests for the specified disk(s), partition(s), or domain(s). Instructs volencap to remove all pending encapsulation requests. Displays all pending encapsulation requests. DESCRIPTION
Disk partitions that have data can be added to LSM using the encapsulation process. This enables users with existing data in disk parti- tions to easily migrate to the use of LSM volumes instead of disk partitions. The /usr/sbin/volencap command is used to encapsulate one or many disk partitions or AdvFS domains. If an individual partition is specified for encapsulation, the volencap command creates a nopriv disk and a volume for that partition. If an entire disk is specified, the volencap command creates a nopriv disk and volume for each in-use partition on the disk. If an AdvFS domain is specified, all disk partitions in the domain are converted to LSM volumes. You can use the volencap command to encapsulate the partitions on the boot disk, including the root file system, primary swap, usr and var partitions, to place them under LSM control. See the Logical Storage Manager manual for more information on encapsulating these partitions. The volencap command can be run directly or through the voldiskadm menus. The volencap command generates LSM commands that are later exe- cuted by the /sbin/volreconfig command to perform the actual conversion of disk partitions to LSM volumes. If the disk partition contains a mounted file system or is otherwise open or in use, the volreconfig command will reboot the system to com- plete the encapsulation process. If you cannot reboot the system at the time you encapsulate the disk partition, either defer running the volreconfig command until you can reboot the system, or unmount or close the disk partition, then run the volreconfig command. See the Logical Storage Manager manual for more details. ATTRIBUTES
Specifies the size of the LSM private region in bytes, for example, privlen=1024. Specifies the number of log copies and copies of the configuration database, for example, nconfig=0. EXAMPLES
To encapsulate all disk partitions on the boot disk called dsk0 to LSM volumes, enter: # volencap dsk0 # volreconfig The volreconfig command will request confirmation prior to rebooting the system. The LSM command scripts created by the volencap command will execute as the system reboots. To encapsulate only the root file system (dsk0a) and swap (dsk0b) partitions on the boot disk, enter: # volencap dsk0a dsk0b # volreconfig The volreconfig command will request confirmation prior to rebooting the system. The LSM command scripts created by the volencap command will execute as the system reboots. To convert all disk partitions in the AdvFS domain called dom1 to LSM volumes, enter: # volencap dom1 # volreconfig The volreconfig command will determine if the domain is active, and if so, request confirmation prior to rebooting the system. The LSM command scripts created by the volencap command will execute as the system reboots. If the AdvFS filesets in domain dom1 are not mounted, then /sbin/volreconfig can be executed on the command line. To encapsulate the specific partition dsk1g to an LSM volume, enter: # volencap dsk1g # volreconfig The volreconfig command will determine if the partition is open, and if so, request confirmation prior to rebooting the system. The LSM command scripts created by the volencap command will be executed as the system reboots. SEE ALSO
volintro(8) volencap(8)
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