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request_any_context_irq(9) [centos man page]

REQUEST_ANY_CONTEXT_(9) 				     Public Functions Provided					   REQUEST_ANY_CONTEXT_(9)

request_any_context_irq - allocate an interrupt line SYNOPSIS
int request_any_context_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags, const char * name, void * dev_id); ARGUMENTS
irq Interrupt line to allocate handler Function to be called when the IRQ occurs. Threaded handler for threaded interrupts. flags Interrupt type flags name An ascii name for the claiming device dev_id A cookie passed back to the handler function DESCRIPTION
This call allocates interrupt resources and enables the interrupt line and IRQ handling. It selects either a hardirq or threaded handling method depending on the context. On failure, it returns a negative value. On success, it returns either IRQC_IS_HARDIRQ or IRQC_IS_NESTED. AUTHORS
Thomas Gleixner <> Author. Ingo Molnar <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 REQUEST_ANY_CONTEXT_(9)

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TAPSET::IRQ(3stap)														TAPSET::IRQ(3stap)

tapset::irq - Systemtap probes for IRQ, workqueue,etc DESCRIPTION
Probe points for probing irq handler execution, softirqs, workqueues,etc workqueue.create probes creation of a new workqueue Arguments: wq_thread task_struct of the workqueue thread. cpu cpu for which the worker thread is created. workqueue.insert probes queuing of work on a workqueue. Arguments: wq_thread task_struct of the workqueue thread. work work_struct* being executed. work_func pointer to handler func. workqueue.execute probes execution of deferred work. Arguments: wq_thread task_struct of the workqueue thread. work work_struct* being executed. work_func pointer to handler func. workqueue.destroy probes destruction of each worker thread of each cpu for a workqueue. Arguments: wq_thread task_struct of the workqueue thread. irq_handler.entry Fires prior to execution of interrupt handler. Arguments: irq irq number action struct irqaction* for this interrupt number handler interrupt handler function flags flags for this irq. flags_str A formatted string of flags. dev_name name of device dev_id cookie to identify device next_irqaction pointer to next irqaction for shared interrupts dir pointer to the /proc/irq/NN/name entry thread_fn interrupt handler function for threaded interrupts thread thread pointer for threaded interrupts thread_flags flags related to thread irq_handler.exit Fires post execution of interrupt handler. Arguments: irq irq number action struct irqaction* for this interrupt number ret return value from interrupt handler that just executed. handler interrupt handler function flags flags for this irq. flags_str A formatted string of flags. dev_name name of device dev_id cookie to identify device next_irqaction pointer to next irqaction for shared interrupts dir pointer to the /proc/irq/NN/name entry thread_fn interrupt handler function for threaded interrupts thread thread pointer for threaded interrupts thread_flags flags related to thread softirq.entry triggered just before executing handler for a pending softirq Arguments: h struct softirq* for current pending softirq. vec softirq_action vector action pointer to softirq handler just about to execute. softirq.exit triggered just after executing handler for a pending softirq Arguments: h struct softirq* for just executed softirq. vec softirq_action vector action pointer to softirq handler that just finished execution. SEE ALSO
stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM
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