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pci_read_legacy_io(9) [centos man page]

PCI_READ_LEGACY_IO(9)						Hardware Interfaces					     PCI_READ_LEGACY_IO(9)

pci_read_legacy_io - read byte(s) from legacy I/O port space SYNOPSIS
ssize_t pci_read_legacy_io(struct file * filp, struct kobject * kobj, struct bin_attribute * bin_attr, char * buf, loff_t off, size_t count); ARGUMENTS
filp open sysfs file kobj kobject corresponding to file to read from bin_attr struct bin_attribute for this file buf buffer to store results off offset into legacy I/O port space count number of bytes to read DESCRIPTION
Reads 1, 2, or 4 bytes from legacy I/O port space using an arch specific callback routine (pci_legacy_read). COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 PCI_READ_LEGACY_IO(9)

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IEEE1284_TRANSFER(3)						     Functions						      IEEE1284_TRANSFER(3)

ieee1284_nibble_read, ieee1284_compat_write, ieee1284_byte_read, ieee1284_epp_read_data, ieee1284_epp_write_data, ieee1284_epp_read_addr, ieee1284_epp_write_addr, ieee1284_ecp_read_data, ieee1284_ecp_write_data, ieee1284_ecp_read_addr, ieee1284_ecp_write_addr - data transfer functions SYNOPSIS
#include <ieee1284.h> ssize_t ieee1284_nibble_read(struct parport *port, int flags, char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_compat_write(struct parport *port, int flags, const char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_byte_read(struct parport *port, int flags, char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_epp_read_data(struct parport *port, int flags, char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_epp_write_data(struct parport *port, int flags, const char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_epp_read_addr(struct parport *port, int flags, char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_epp_write_addr(struct parport *port, int flags, const char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_ecp_read_data(struct parport *port, int flags, char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_ecp_write_data(struct parport *port, int flags, const char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_ecp_read_addr(struct parport *port, int flags, char *buffer, size_t len); ssize_t ieee1284_ecp_write_addr(struct parport *port, int flags, const char *buffer, size_t len); DESCRIPTION
This set of functions is for tranferring bytes in the relevant transfer mode. For ECP and EPP modes two types of transfer are possible: data and address (usually referred to as channel in ECP). The supplied port must be a claimed port. The supplied buffer must be at least len bytes long. When reading, the transferred data is stored in the buffer; when writing the data to be transferred is taken from the buffer. For reads (peripheral to host): if no data is available and F1284_NONBLOCK is not in effect, the inactivity timer is started. If data becomes available before the inactivity time-out elapses it is read; otherwise the return value will be E1284_TIMEDOUT. For writes (host to peripheral): if the peripheral is not willing to accept data and F1284_NONBLOCK is not in effect, the inactivity timer is started. If the peripheral indicates that it is willing to accept data before the inactivity time-out elapses it is sent; otherwise the return value will be E1284_TIMEDOUT The flags may alter the behaviour slightly: F1284_NONBLOCK For reads (peripheral to host): if no data is available, return immediately (with E1284_TIMEDOUT). For writes (host to peripheral): if the peripheral is not willing to accept data, return immediately (with E1284_TIMEDOUT). F1284_SWE Don't use hardware assistance for the transfer, but instead set the parallel port pins according to the wire protocol. F1284_RLE (for ECP only) Use run length encoding. If the peripheral is in ECP mode with RLE, calls to ieee1284_ecp_read_datamust set this flag in order for the RLE from the peripheral to be interpreted correctly, and calls to ieee1284_ecp_write_datamay set this flag in order to take advantage of RLE. F1284_FASTEPP (for EPP only) Use multi-byte transfers. Several bytes at a time are transferred using hardware assistance, if supporting hardware is present. The price of this increased speed is that the return value will be less reliable when this flag is used. For ECP mode, a given direction is in force at any particular time, and it is up to the application to ensure that it is only writing when in forward mode, and reading when in reverse mode. RETURN VALUE
The return value is the number of bytes successfully transferred or, if negative, one of: E1284_NOTIMPL This transfer mode and flags combination is not yet implemented in libieee1284. E1284_TIMEDOUT Timed out waiting for peripheral to handshake. E1284_NOMEM Not enough memory is available. E1284_SYS There was a problem at the operating system level. The global variable errno has been set appropriately. E1284_INVALIDPORT The port parameter is invalid (for instance, perhaps the port is not claimed). If any bytes are successfully transferred, that number is returned. An error is returned only if no bytes are transferred. For host-to-peripheral transfers, all data is at the peripheral by the time the call returns. SEE ALSO
ieee1284_ecp_fwd_to_rev(3) AUTHOR
Tim Waugh <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Tim Waugh [FIXME: source] 06/17/2014 IEEE1284_TRANSFER(3)
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