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mpt_downloadboot(9) [centos man page]

MPT_DOWNLOADBOOT(9)					       Message-based devices					       MPT_DOWNLOADBOOT(9)

mpt_downloadboot - DownloadBoot code SYNOPSIS
int mpt_downloadboot(MPT_ADAPTER * ioc, MpiFwHeader_t * pFwHeader, int sleepFlag); ARGUMENTS
ioc Pointer to MPT_ADAPTER structure pFwHeader Pointer to firmware header info sleepFlag Specifies whether the process can sleep DESCRIPTION
FwDownloadBoot requires Programmed IO access. Returns 0 for success -1 FW Image size is 0 -2 No valid cached_fw Pointer <0 for fw upload failure. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 MPT_DOWNLOADBOOT(9)

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ost::Pointer< T >(3)					     Library Functions Manual					      ost::Pointer< T >(3)

ost::Pointer< T > - Used to create and manage referece counted pointers. SYNOPSIS
#include <pointer.h> Public Member Functions Pointer (T *ptr=NULL) Pointer (const Pointer< T > &ref) virtual ~Pointer () Pointer & operator= (const Pointer< T > &ref) T & operator* () const T * getObject () const T * operator-> () const bool operator! () const int operator++ () const int operator-- () const Protected Member Functions void ptrDetach (void) Protected Attributes unsigned * ptrCount T * ptrObject Detailed Description template<class T>class ost::Pointer< T > Used to create and manage referece counted pointers. Author: David Sugar reference counted pointer template. Constructor &; Destructor Documentation template<class T> ost::Pointer< T >::Pointer (T *ptr = NULL) [inline], [explicit] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount. template<class T> ost::Pointer< T >::Pointer (const Pointer< T > &ref) [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount, and ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject. template<class T> virtual ost::Pointer< T >::~Pointer () [inline], [virtual] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrDetach(). Member Function Documentation template<class T> T* ost::Pointer< T >::getObject (void) const [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject. template<class T> bool ost::Pointer< T >::operator! (void) const [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount. template<class T> T& ost::Pointer< T >::operator* () const [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject. template<class T> int ost::Pointer< T >::operator++ (void) const [inline] template<class T> int ost::Pointer< T >::operator-- (void) const [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount. template<class T> T* ost::Pointer< T >::operator-> () const [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject. template<class T> Pointer& ost::Pointer< T >::operator= (const Pointer< T > &ref) [inline] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount, ost::Pointer< T >::ptrDetach(), and ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject. template<class T> void ost::Pointer< T >::ptrDetach (void) [inline], [protected] References ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount, and ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject. Referenced by ost::Pointer< T >::operator=(), and ost::Pointer< T >::~Pointer(). Member Data Documentation template<class T> unsigned* ost::Pointer< T >::ptrCount [protected] Referenced by ost::Pointer< T >::operator!(), ost::Pointer< T >::operator--(), ost::Pointer< T >::operator=(), ost::Pointer< T >::Pointer(), and ost::Pointer< T >::ptrDetach(). template<class T> T* ost::Pointer< T >::ptrObject [protected] Referenced by ost::Pointer< T >::getObject(), ost::Pointer< T >::operator*(), ost::Pointer< T >::operator->(), ost::Pointer< T >::operator=(), ost::Pointer< T >::Pointer(), and ost::Pointer< T >::ptrDetach(). Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for GNU CommonC++ from the source code. GNU CommonC++ Sat Jun 23 2012 ost::Pointer< T >(3)
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