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module_exit(9) [centos man page]

MODULE_EXIT(9)							   Driver Basics						    MODULE_EXIT(9)

module_exit - driver exit entry point SYNOPSIS
module_exit(x); ARGUMENTS
x function to be run when driver is removed DESCRIPTION
module_exit will wrap the driver clean-up code with cleanup_module when used with rmmod when the driver is a module. If the driver is statically compiled into the kernel, module_exit has no effect. There can only be one per module. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 MODULE_EXIT(9)

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cfgmgr_get_state(9r)													      cfgmgr_get_state(9r)

cfgmgr_get_state - General: Determines the configuration state SYNOPSIS
int cfgmgr_get_state( char *driver_name, int *driver_cfg_state ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies the name of the device driver whose configuration state you want to obtain. This name is a string that matches the string you specified for the entry_name item in the /etc/sysconfigtab database. Typically, third-party driver writers specify the driver name (fol- lowed by a colon) in the sysconfigtab file fragment, which gets appended to the /etc/sysconfigtab database during the driver product installation. Returns one of the following state value bits to the driver_cfg_state argument: The specified device driver is in the dynamic configuration state. This means the driver was dynamically configured into the kernel. The specified device driver is in the static configuration state. This means the driver was statically configured into the kernel. DESCRIPTION
The cfgmgr_get_state routine obtains the configuration state of the specified device driver. The specified device driver is in either the static configuration state or the dynamic configuration state. The cfgmgr_get_state routine returns the state value in the driver_cfg_state argument. Driver writers should store this state value in an xx_is_dynamic variable or some similarly named variable. You typically call the cfgmgr_get_state routine in the CFG_OP_CONFIGURE entry point of the device driver's configure routine. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, cfgmgr_get_state returns the value ESUCCESS. This success value indicates that cfgmgr_get_state returned the configuration state of the specified device driver in the driver_cfg_state argument. Otherwise, cfgmgr_get_state returns one of the follow- ing error constants defined in /usr/sys/include/sys/sysconfig.h and /usr/sys/include/sys/errno.h: The device driver that you specified in the driver_name argument does not exist. In this case, cfgmgr_get_state cannot return the configuration state of the specified device driver in the driver_cfg_state argument. The device driver that you specified in the driver_name argument is not a valid name. EXAMPLES
See Writing Device Drivers: Tutorial for a code example of the cfgmgr_get_state interface. SEE ALSO
Routines: cfgmgr_set_status(9r) cfgmgr_get_state(9r)
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