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misc_register(9) [centos man page]

MISC_REGISTER(9)					       Miscellaneous Devices						  MISC_REGISTER(9)

misc_register - register a miscellaneous device SYNOPSIS
int misc_register(struct miscdevice * misc); ARGUMENTS
misc device structure Register a miscellaneous device with the kernel. If the minor number is set to MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR a minor number is assigned and placed in the minor field of the structure. For other cases the minor number requested is used. DESCRIPTION
The structure passed is linked into the kernel and may not be destroyed until it has been unregistered. A zero is returned on success and a negative errno code for failure. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 MISC_REGISTER(9)

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MAKEDEV(3)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							MAKEDEV(3)

makedev, major, minor - manage a device number SYNOPSIS
#define _BSD_SOURCE #include <sys/types.h> dev_t makedev(int maj, int min); int major(dev_t dev); int minor(dev_t dev); DESCRIPTION
A device ID consists of two parts: a major ID, identifying the class of the device, and a minor ID, identifying a specific instance of a device in that class. A device ID is represented using the type dev_t. Given major and minor device IDs, makedev() combines these to produce a device ID, returned as the function result. This device ID can be given to mknod(2), for example. The major() and minor() functions perform the converse task: given a device ID, they return, respectively, the major and minor components. These macros can be useful to, for example, decompose the device IDs in the structure returned by stat(2). CONFORMING TO
The makedev() major() and minor() functions are not specified in POSIX.1, but are present on many other systems. NOTES
These interfaces are defined as macros. Since glibc 2.3.3, they have been aliases for three GNU-specific functions: gnu_dev_makedev(3), gnu_dev_major(3), and gnu_dev_minor(3). The latter names are exported, but the traditional names are more portable. SEE ALSO
mknod(2), stat(2) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 3.25 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be found at Linux 2008-12-01 MAKEDEV(3)
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