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list_add(9) [centos man page]

LIST_ADD(9)							    Data Types							       LIST_ADD(9)

list_add - add a new entry SYNOPSIS
void list_add(struct list_head * new, struct list_head * head); ARGUMENTS
new new entry to be added head list head to add it after DESCRIPTION
Insert a new entry after the specified head. This is good for implementing stacks. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 LIST_ADD(9)

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list(3) 						    InterNetNews Documentation							   list(3)

list - list routines SYNOPSIS
#include <inn/list.h> struct node { struct node *succ; struct node *pred; }; struct list { struct node *head; struct node *tail; struct node *tailpred; }; void list_new(struct list *list); struct node *list_addhead(struct list *list, struct node *node); struct node *list_addtail(struct list *list, struct node *node); struct node *list_head(struct list *list); struct node *list_tail(struct list *list); struct node *list_succ(struct node *node); struct node *list_pred(struct node *node); struct node *list_remhead(struct list *list); struct node *list_remtail(struct list *list); struct node *list_remove(struct node *node); struct node *list_insert(struct list *list, struct node *node, struct node *pred); bool list_isempty(struct list *list); DESCRIPTION
list_new initialises the list header list so as to create an empty list. list_addhead adds node to the head of list, returning the node just added. list_addtail adds node to the tail of list, returning the node just added. list_head returns a pointer to the the node at the head of list or NULL if the list is empty. list_tail returns a pointer to the the node at the tail of list or NULL if the list is empty. list_succ returns the next (successor) node on the list after node or NULL if node was the final node. list_pred returns the previous (predecessor) node on the list before node or NULL if node was the first node. list_remhead removes the first node from list and returns it to the caller. If the list is empty NULL is returned. list_remtail removes the last node from list and returns it to the caller. If the list is empty NULL is returned. list_remove removes node from the list it is on and returns it to the caller. list_insert inserts node onto list after the node pred. If pred is NULL then node is added to the head of list. HISTORY
Written by Alex Kiernan <> for InterNetNews 2.4.0. $Id: list.pod 9074 2010-05-31 19:01:32Z iulius $ INN 2.5.3 2011-06-10 list(3)
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