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driver_attach(9) [centos man page]

DRIVER_ATTACH(9)					   Device drivers infrastructure					  DRIVER_ATTACH(9)

driver_attach - try to bind driver to devices. SYNOPSIS
int driver_attach(struct device_driver * drv); ARGUMENTS
drv driver. DESCRIPTION
Walk the list of devices that the bus has on it and try to match the driver with each one. If driver_probe_device returns 0 and the dev->driver is set, we've found a compatible pair. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 DRIVER_ATTACH(9)

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I2C_REGISTER_BOARD_I(9) 				      I2C and SMBus Subsystem					   I2C_REGISTER_BOARD_I(9)

i2c_register_board_info - statically declare I2C devices SYNOPSIS
int i2c_register_board_info(int busnum, struct i2c_board_info const * info, unsigned len); ARGUMENTS
busnum identifies the bus to which these devices belong info vector of i2c device descriptors len how many descriptors in the vector; may be zero to reserve the specified bus number. DESCRIPTION
Systems using the Linux I2C driver stack can declare tables of board info while they initialize. This should be done in board-specific init code near arch_initcall time, or equivalent, before any I2C adapter driver is registered. For example, mainboard init code could define several devices, as could the init code for each daughtercard in a board stack. The I2C devices will be created later, after the adapter for the relevant bus has been registered. After that moment, standard driver model tools are used to bind "new style" I2C drivers to the devices. The bus number for any device declared using this routine is not available for dynamic allocation. The board info passed can safely be __initdata, but be careful of embedded pointers (for platform_data, functions, etc) since that won't be copied. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 I2C_REGISTER_BOARD_I(9)
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