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alloc_chrdev_region(9) [centos man page]

ALLOC_CHRDEV_REGION(9)						   Char devices 					    ALLOC_CHRDEV_REGION(9)

alloc_chrdev_region - register a range of char device numbers SYNOPSIS
int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t * dev, unsigned baseminor, unsigned count, const char * name); ARGUMENTS
dev output parameter for first assigned number baseminor first of the requested range of minor numbers count the number of minor numbers required name the name of the associated device or driver DESCRIPTION
Allocates a range of char device numbers. The major number will be chosen dynamically, and returned (along with the first minor number) in dev. Returns zero or a negative error code. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 ALLOC_CHRDEV_REGION(9)

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FDFORMAT(8)						     Linux Programmer's Manual						       FDFORMAT(8)

fdformat - Low-level formats a floppy disk SYNOPSIS
fdformat [ -n ] device DESCRIPTION
fdformat does a low level format on a floppy disk. device is usually one of the following (for floppy devices, the major = 2, and the minor is shown for informational purposes only): /dev/fd0d360 (minor = 4) /dev/fd0h1200 (minor = 8) /dev/fd0D360 (minor = 12) /dev/fd0H360 (minor = 12) /dev/fd0D720 (minor = 16) /dev/fd0H720 (minor = 16) /dev/fd0h360 (minor = 20) /dev/fd0h720 (minor = 24) /dev/fd0H1440 (minor = 28) /dev/fd1d360 (minor = 5) /dev/fd1h1200 (minor = 9) /dev/fd1D360 (minor = 13) /dev/fd1H360 (minor = 13) /dev/fd1D720 (minor = 17) /dev/fd1H720 (minor = 17) /dev/fd1h360 (minor = 21) /dev/fd1h720 (minor = 25) /dev/fd1H1440 (minor = 29) The generic floppy devices, /dev/fd0 and /dev/fd1, will fail to work with fdformat when a non-standard format is being used, or if the for- mat has not been autodetected earlier. In this case, use setfdprm(8) to load the disk parameters. OPTIONS
-n No verify. This option will disable the verification that is performed after the format. SEE ALSO
fd(4), setfdprm(8), mkfs(8), emkfs(8) AUTHOR
Werner Almesberger ( Linux 0.99 1 February 1993 FDFORMAT(8)
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