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yum-langpacks(8) [centos man page]

yum-langpacks(8)														  yum-langpacks(8)

yum-langpacks - Plugin for yum SYNOPSIS
yum [command] [package ...] DESCRIPTION
yum-langpacks is a plugin for yum to install language packs. This plugin allows user various commands. command is one of: * langavailable [language1] [language2] [...] * langinfo [language1] [language2] [...] * langinstall [language1] [language2] [...] * langlist [language1] [language2] [...] * langremove [language1] [language2] [...] langavailable This command allows user to find if language support is available for the given input languages. langinfo This command allows user to check which packages will get installed when the given input language support is installed. langinstall This command allows user to install language packs for the given input languages. langlist This command prints list of the installed languages. langremove This command allows user to remove the installed language packs for a given input languages. EXAMPLES
To check what packages get installed for language codes es_ES, hi_IN and language names Japanese and Portuguese (Brazil). yum langinfo es_ES "Japanese" hi_IN "Portuguese (Brazil)" NOTES
These commands accept language codes or language names or mix of them as a input. SEE ALSO
yum (8) BUGS
Please report any bugs in Red Hat bugzilla, Parag Nemade yum-langpacks(8)

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yum-debug-dump(1)														 yum-debug-dump(1)

yum-debug-dump - write system RPM configuration to a debug-dump file SYNOPSIS
yum-debug-dump DESCRIPTION
yum-debug-dump is a program which creates a gzipped file containing a lot of information useful to developers trying to debug a problem. By default it will output a file to the current working directory named yum_debug_dump-<hostname>-<time>.txt.gz. This file contains no pri- vate information but does contain a complete list of all packages you have installed, all packages available in any repository, important configuration and system information. You can view this file using the 'zless' command. You can use the coresponding program yum-debug-restore to act on this file and restore a set of packages (much like dump/restore). FILES
As yum-debug-dump uses YUM libraries for retrieving all the information, it relies on YUM configuration for its default values like which repositories to use. Consult YUM documentation for details: /etc/yum.conf /etc/yum/repos.d/ /var/cache/yum/ SEE ALSO
yum-debug-restore (1) yum.conf (5) AUTHORS
See the Authors file included with this program. BUGS
There are of course no bugs, but should you find any, you should first consult the FAQ section on and if unsuccessful in finding a resolution contact the mailing list: To file a bug use for Fedora/RHEL/Centos related bugs and for all other bugs. Seth Vidal 28 April 2008 yum-debug-dump(1)
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