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vboxd(8) [centos man page]

vboxd(8)						    Linux System Administration 						  vboxd(8)

vboxd - isdn voice box daemon SYNOPSIS
Vboxd is a daemon which is accessed via tcp/ip and can give you the messages recorded with vboxgetty, or change them. vboxd uses port 20012 (tcp and udp), as described in /etc/services. OPTIONS
-f, --file FILE Config file to use. Default is the file '/etc/isdn/vboxd.conf'. -t, --timeout SECS Timeout for waiting for commands from the client. If no command is received within this time, the daemon exits. Default value is 600 seconds. -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. NOTE
After the start the timeout is set to 30 seconds. It will change after the first command to the value set with --timeout. FILES
/etc/isdn/vboxd.conf default config file AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Andreas Jellinghaus <>, for Debian GNU/Linux and isdn4linux. ISDN 4 Linux 3.13 2000/09/15 vboxd(8)

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vboxbeep(1)						    Linux System Administration 					       vboxbeep(1)

vboxbeep - isdn voice box (beeper) SYNOPSIS
vboxbeep is a daemon, that watches several message directories. If new messages are found it will beep. Vboxbeep does not use vboxd, it can only watch local directories. Vboxbeep is also used to stop this annoying beep. OPTIONS
Without any options, vboxbeep will signal an already running vboxbeep to stop its beep. Only root can start it as daemon. -s, --sound HOURS Hours to play beep signal. Use 24 hour format, like 0-23. Multiple hours can be given separated by commas, a "*" is used for always, "-" for never. -m, --messagebox DIR Message directory to scan. You can use this option several times. -p, --pause SECS Time to wait between every check. Default is 5 seconds. -k, --kill Kill a running vboxbeep. This option can only be used by root. -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. NOTE
vboxbeep will only work if it is installed suid root. This may be a security hole, so many distributions do not install it suid root, and thus it's useless. If you want to enable vboxbeep, please read the distribution-specific documentation how to do that (e.g. with debian gnu/linux read /usr/doc/isdnutils/README.debian). AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Andreas Jellinghaus <>, for Debian GNU/Linux and isdn4linux. ISDN 4 Linux 3.25 2000/09/15 vboxbeep(1)
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