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tpm_changeownerauth(8) [centos man page]

tpm_changeownerauth(8)					      System Manager's Manual					    tpm_changeownerauth(8)

						       TPM Management - tpm_changeownerauth

tpm_changeownerauth - change the authorization data associated with the owner or SRK SYNOPSIS
tpm_changeownerauth [OPTION] DESCRIPTION
tpm_changeownerauth allows for changing the authorization data for the TPM owner or the TPM's Storage Root Key (via the TPM_ChangeAuthOwner API). This operation prompts for current password, followed by the new password and a confirmation of the new password. The --owner option changes the TPM owner password and --srk option changes the TPM's SRK password. The --well-known option is used when SRK or owner passwords need to be changed and current owner password is a secret of zeros, --set-well-known option changes current password to a secret of zeros, both options do not work by themselves, they must be used with --owner and --srk options to indicate which of these passwords will be changed. -h, --help Display command usage info. -v, --version Display command version info. -l, --log [none|error|info|debug] Set logging level. -u, --unicode Use TSS UNICODE encoding for passwords to comply with applications using TSS popup boxes -o, --owner Change the authorization data for the TPM owner. -s, --srk Change the authorization data for the TPM's Storage Root Key. -g, --original_password_unicode Use TSS UNICODE encoding for original password to comply with applications using TSS popup boxes -n, --new_password_unicode Use TSS UNICODE encoding for new password to comply with applications using TSS popup boxes -z, --well-known Change password to a new one when current owner password is a secret of all zeros (20 bytes of zeros). It must be specified which password (owner, SRK or both) to change -r, --set-well-known Change password to a secret of all zeros (20 bytes of zeros). It must be specified which password (owner, SRK or both) to change SEE ALSO tpm_version(1), tpm_takeownership(8), tcsd(8) REPORTING BUGS
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tpm_setactive(8)					      System Manager's Manual						  tpm_setactive(8)

							  TPM Management - tpm_setactive

tpm_setactive - change TPM active states SYNOPSIS
tpm_setactive [OPTION] DESCRIPTION
tpm_setactive reports the status of the TPM's flags regarding the active state of the TPM. This is the default behavior and also accessible via the --status option. Requesting a report of this status prompts for the owner password. The --active option changes the TPM to the active state (via the TPM_PhysicalSetDeactivated API). This operation requires evidence of physical presence, is persistent and requires a reboot to take effect. The --inactive option (via the TPM_PhysicalSetDeactivated API) changes the TPM to the inactive state. This operation requires evidence of physical presence, is persistent and requires a reboot to take effect. An inactive TPM is essentially off but still allows for a tpm_takeownership to occur. The --temp option causes deactivation (via the TPM_SetTempDeactivated API) to happen immediately but only endure for the current boot cycle. The --status, --active, --inactive, and --temp options are mutually exclusive and the last one on the command line will be carried out. -h, --help Display command usage info. -v, --version Display command version info. -l, --log [none|error|info|debug] Set logging level. -u, --unicode Use TSS UNICODE encoding for passwords to comply with applications using TSS popup boxes -s, --status Report the status of flags regarding the TPM active states. -a, --active Make the TPM active. Operation is persistent, requires phyiscal presence to authorize, and a reboot to take effect. -i, --inactive Make the TPM inactive. Operation is persistent, requires phyiscal presence to authorize, and a reboot to take effect. -t, --temp Makes the TPM inactive for the current boot cycle only. -z, --well-known Authenticate using 20 bytes of zeros as owner password (the default TSS Well Known Secret), instead of prompting for an owner password. SEE ALSO
tpm_version(1), tpm_setpresence(8), tpm_takeownership(8), tpm_setenable(8), tcsd(8) REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <> TPM Management 2005-05-06 tpm_setactive(8)
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