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sss_useradd(8) [centos man page]

SSS_USERADD(8)							 SSSD Manual pages						    SSS_USERADD(8)

sss_useradd - create a new user SYNOPSIS
sss_useradd [options] LOGIN DESCRIPTION
sss_useradd creates a new user account using the values specified on the command line plus the default values from the system. OPTIONS
-u,--uid UID Set the UID of the user to the value of UID. If not given, it is chosen automatically. -c,--gecos COMMENT Any text string describing the user. Often used as the field for the user's full name. -h,--home HOME_DIR The home directory of the user account. The default is to append the LOGIN name to /home and use that as the home directory. The base that is prepended before LOGIN is tunable with "user_defaults/baseDirectory" setting in sssd.conf. -s,--shell SHELL The user's login shell. The default is currently /bin/bash. The default can be changed with "user_defaults/defaultShell" setting in sssd.conf. -G,--groups GROUPS A list of existing groups this user is also a member of. -m,--create-home Create the user's home directory if it does not exist. The files and directories contained in the skeleton directory (which can be defined with the -k option or in the config file) will be copied to the home directory. -M,--no-create-home Do not create the user's home directory. Overrides configuration settings. -k,--skel SKELDIR The skeleton directory, which contains files and directories to be copied in the user's home directory, when the home directory is created by sss_useradd. Special files (block devices, character devices, named pipes and unix sockets) will not be copied. This option is only valid if the -m (or --create-home) option is specified, or creation of home directories is set to TRUE in the configuration. -Z,--selinux-user SELINUX_USER The SELinux user for the user's login. If not specified, the system default will be used. -?,--help Display help message and exit. THE LOCAL DOMAIN
In order to function correctly, a domain with "id_provider=local" must be created and the SSSD must be running. The administrator might want to use the SSSD local users instead of traditional UNIX users in cases where the group nesting (see sss_groupadd(8)) is needed. The local users are also useful for testing and development of the SSSD without having to deploy a full remote server. The sss_user* and sss_group* tools use a local LDB storage to store users and groups. SEE ALSO
sssd(8), sssd.conf(5), sssd-ldap(5), sssd-krb5(5), sssd-simple(5), sssd-ipa(5), sssd-ad(5), sssd-sudo(5),sss_cache(8), sss_debuglevel(8), sss_groupadd(8), sss_groupdel(8), sss_groupshow(8), sss_groupmod(8), sss_useradd(8), sss_userdel(8), sss_usermod(8), sss_obfuscate(8), sss_seed(8), sssd_krb5_locator_plugin(8), sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(8), sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy(8),pam_sss(8). AUTHORS
The SSSD upstream - SSSD
06/17/2014 SSS_USERADD(8)

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SSS_DEBUGLEVEL(8)						 SSSD Manual pages						 SSS_DEBUGLEVEL(8)

sss_debuglevel - change debug level while SSSD is running SYNOPSIS
sss_debuglevel [options] NEW_DEBUG_LEVEL DESCRIPTION
sss_debuglevel changes debug level of SSSD monitor and providers to NEW_DEBUG_LEVEL while SSSD is running. OPTIONS
-c,--config Specify a non-default config file. The default is /etc/sssd/sssd.conf. For reference on the config file syntax and options, consult the sssd.conf(5) manual page. NEW_DEBUG_LEVEL SSSD supports two representations for specifying the debug level. The simplest is to specify a decimal value from 0-9, which represents enabling that level and all lower-level debug messages. The more comprehensive option is to specify a hexadecimal bitmask to enable or disable specific levels (such as if you wish to suppress a level). Currently supported debug levels: 0, 0x0010: Fatal failures. Anything that would prevent SSSD from starting up or causes it to cease running. 1, 0x0020: Critical failures. An error that doesn't kill the SSSD, but one that indicates that at least one major feature is not going to work properly. 2, 0x0040: Serious failures. An error announcing that a particular request or operation has failed. 3, 0x0080: Minor failures. These are the errors that would percolate down to cause the operation failure of 2. 4, 0x0100: Configuration settings. 5, 0x0200: Function data. 6, 0x0400: Trace messages for operation functions. 7, 0x1000: Trace messages for internal control functions. 8, 0x2000: Contents of function-internal variables that may be interesting. 9, 0x4000: Extremely low-level tracing information. To log required bitmask debug levels, simply add their numbers together as shown in following examples: Example: To log fatal failures, critical failures, serious failures and function data use 0x0270. Example: To log fatal failures, configuration settings, function data, trace messages for internal control functions use 0x1310. Note: The bitmask format of debug levels was introduced in 1.7.0. Default: 0 SEE ALSO
sssd(8), sssd.conf(5), sssd-ldap(5), sssd-krb5(5), sssd-simple(5), sssd-ipa(5), sssd-ad(5), sssd-sudo(5),sss_cache(8), sss_debuglevel(8), sss_groupadd(8), sss_groupdel(8), sss_groupshow(8), sss_groupmod(8), sss_useradd(8), sss_userdel(8), sss_usermod(8), sss_obfuscate(8), sss_seed(8), sssd_krb5_locator_plugin(8), sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(8), sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy(8),pam_sss(8). AUTHORS
The SSSD upstream - SSSD
06/17/2014 SSS_DEBUGLEVEL(8)
Man Page