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setsebool(8) [centos man page]

setsebool(8)						SELinux Command Line documentation					      setsebool(8)

setsebool - set SELinux boolean value SYNOPSIS
setsebool [ -PNV ] boolean value | bool1=val1 bool2=val2 ... DESCRIPTION
setsebool sets the current state of a particular SELinux boolean or a list of booleans to a given value. The value may be 1 or true or on to enable the boolean, or 0 or false or off to disable it. Without the -P option, only the current boolean value is affected; the boot-time default settings are not changed. If the -P option is given, all pending values are written to the policy file on disk. So they will be persistent across reboots. If the -N option is given, the policy on disk is not reloaded into the kernel. If the -V option is given, verbose error messages will be printed from semanage libraries. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>. The program was written by Tresys Technology. SEE ALSO
getsebool(8), booleans(8), togglesebool(8), semanage(8) 11 Aug 2004 setsebool(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

booleans(8)						SELinux Command Line documentation					       booleans(8)

booleans - Policy booleans enable runtime customization of SELinux policy. DESCRIPTION
This manual page describes SELinux policy booleans. The SELinux policy can include conditional rules that are enabled or disabled based on the current values of a set of policy booleans. These policy booleans allow runtime modification of the security policy without having to load a new policy. For example, the boolean httpd_enable_cgi allows the httpd daemon to run cgi scripts if it is enabled. If the administrator does not want to allow execution of cgi scripts, he can simply disable this boolean value. The policy defines a default value for each boolean, typically false. These default values can be overridden via local settings created via the setsebool(8) utility, using -P to make the setting persistent across reboots. The system-config-securitylevel tool provides a graphical interface for altering the settings. The load_policy(8) program will preserve current boolean settings upon a policy reload by default, or can optionally reset booleans to the boot-time defaults via the -b option. Boolean values can be listed by using the getsebool(8) utility and passing it the -a option. Boolean values can also be changed at runtime via the setsebool(8) utility or the togglesebool utility. By default, these utilities only change the current boolean value and do not affect the persistent settings, unless the -P option is used to setsebool. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>. The SELinux conditional policy support was developed by Tresys Technology. SEE ALSO
getsebool(8), setsebool(8), selinux(8), togglesebool(8) 11 Aug 2004 booleans(8)
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