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rfkill(8) [centos man page]

RFKILL(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 RFKILL(8)

rfkill - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices SYNOPSIS
rfkill [options] command OPTIONS
--version Show the version of rfkill. COMMANDS
help Show rfkill's built-in help text. event Listen for rfkill events and display them on stdout. list [type] List the current state of all available rfkill-using devices, or just all of the given type. block index|type Disable the device corresponding to the given index. type is one of "all", "wifi", "wlan", "bluetooth", "uwb", "ultrawideband", "wimax", "wwan", "gps" or "fm". unblock index|type Enable the device corresponding to the given index. If the device is hard-blocked, e.g. via a hardware switch, it will remain unavailable though it is now soft-unblocked. AUTHORS
rfkill was originally written by Johannes Berg <> and Marcel Holtmann <>. This manual page was written by Darren Salt <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). July 10, 2009 RFKILL(8)

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RFKILL(8)                                                     System Manager's Manual                                                    RFKILL(8)

rfkill - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices SYNOPSIS
rfkill [options] command OPTIONS
--version Show the version of rfkill. COMMANDS
help Show rfkill's built-in help text. event Listen for rfkill events and display them on stdout. list [type] List the current state of all available rfkill-using devices, or just all of the given type. block index|type Disable the device corresponding to the given index. type is one of "all", "wifi", "wlan", "bluetooth", "uwb", "ultrawideband", "wimax", "wwan", "gps" or "fm". unblock index|type Enable the device corresponding to the given index. If the device is hard-blocked, e.g. via a hardware switch, it will remain unavailable though it is now soft-unblocked. AUTHORS
rfkill was originally written by Johannes Berg <> and Marcel Holtmann <>. This manual page was written by Darren Salt <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). July 10, 2009 RFKILL(8)
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